

In computer-aided manufacturing, IRBCAM is a software tool which automatically converts toolpaths from CAM software (such as SurfCAM, AlphaCAM, VisualMill, PowerMill, etc) into a format which can be executed on ABB industrial robots. Typical applications for the software are milling in foam, wood, composites, ceramics and light metals such as aluminum. The solution can also be used for water jet, plasma, laser cutting as well as gluing and painting. There is a 2-way interface to the 3D visualization software RobotStudio from ABB.

The typical accuracy of an industrial robot is 0.3-0.5mm which means that a robotic milling solution is well suited to applications requiring a large workspace, relatively low mechanical stiffness and relatively low accuracy. The machining of moulds and plugs for marine applications in soft materials such as foam and wood is an example of an application where the accuracy and stiffness of an industrial robot is sufficient. The workspace of an industrial robot can be further extended by placing the robot on a linear track. By having two robots each on a linear track and placed on each side of a work object, very large objects can be machined. Typical dimensions which are possible are 20m x 4m x 4m. The IRBCAM software automatically generatates the motion pattern for the linear tracks in addition to the 6th degree of freedom of the robot which is not specified in the toolpath from the CAM files.

IRBCAM can also automatically generate the toolpath for coordinated motions of an industrial robot and a rotary table. By using a rotary table, a large object can be machined from all sides in one setup and it eliminates the need for an operator to move or rotate the object manually.

The company IRBCAM GmbH is located in Switzerland.

External links

* [ Irbcam]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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