- Brickellia
image_width = 210px
image_caption = "Brickellia californica "
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
unranked_classis =eudicot
ordo =Asterales
familia =Asteraceae
subfamilia =Asteroideae
tribus =Eupatorieae
genus = "Brickellia"
genus_authority =Ell.
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = About 100, see text"Brickellia" is a
genus of about 100cite web | url = http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=104617 | title = Brickellia | work =Flora of North America ] species ofplant s in the sunflower family (Asteraceae), known commonly as brickellbushes. They are found in North America, Mexico, and Central America. Manyspecies are native to the American southwest, especiallyTexas . "Brickellia" is among the more basal lineages of theEupatorieae and should not be assigned to asubtribe pending further research. [Schmidt & Schilling (2000)]They are mostly woody
perennial shrub s. Some species have a very strong pleasant scent, while others smell distasteful. All contain high amounts ofessential oil s, andGermacrene D , a naturalinsecticide , is found in "B. veronicaefolia" and probably other if not all species [Rivero-Cruz "et al." (2006)] .Regardless their chemical defense, brickellbushes are food for
caterpillar s of certainLepidoptera . These include the noctuid moths "Schinia buta " (only known from California Brickellbush, "B. californica"), "Schinia gracilenta " (known from False Boneset, "B. eupatorioides"), "Schinia oleagina " (only known from this genus) and "Schinia trifascia ".elected species
* "
Brickellia amplexicaulis " – Earleaf Brickellbush
* "Brickellia arcuta " – Pungent Brickellbush
* "Brickellia brachyphylla " – Plumed Brickellbush
* "Brickellia californica " – California Brickellbush
* "Brickellia cordifolia " – Flyr's Nemesis
* "Brickellia coulteri " – Coulter's Brickellbush
* "Brickellia cylindracea " – Gravelbar Brickellbush
* "Brickellia desertorum " – Desert Brickellbush
* "Brickellia eupatorioides " – False Boneset
* "Brickellia grandiflora " – Tassel-flowered Brickellbush
* "Brickellia incana " – Woolly Brickellbush
* "Brickellia knappiana " – Knapp Brickellbush
* "Brickellia mosieri " – Florida Brickellbush
* "Brickellia nevinii " – Nevin's Brickellbush
* "Brickellia oblongifolia " – Mojave Brickellbush, Narrow-leaved Brickellbush
* "Brickellia peninsularis "
** "Brickellia peninsularis" var. "amphithalassa"
* "Brickellia rusbyi " – Stinking Brickellbush
* "Brickellia venosa " – Veiny Brickellbush
* "Brickellia veronicaefolia "Footnotes
* (2006): Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the active components of the essential oil from "Brickellia veronicaefolia" by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. "Journal of Natural Products" 69(8): 1172-1176. doi|10.1021/np060180b S0163-3864(06)00180-7 (HTML abstract)
* (2000): Phylogeny and biogeography of "Eupatorium" (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) based on nuclear ITS sequence data. "Am. J. Bot." 87(5): 716-726. PMID 10811796 [http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/reprint/87/5/716.pdf PDF fulltext]External links
* [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=BRICK USDA Plants Profile]
* [http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_JM_treatment.pl?609,831 Jepson Manual Treatment]
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