Gruber Prize in Genetics

Gruber Prize in Genetics

The Gruber Prize in Genetics is one five, international awards made by the Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, an American non-profit organization based in the U.S. Virgin Islands with offices in New York City. The Genetics Prize was established in 2001, and the annual prize is $500,000.

The Genetics Prize honors leading scientists for distinguished contributions in any realm of genetics research. The Foundation’s other international prizes are in Cosmology, Neuroscience, Justice, and Women’s Rights.


*2008 Allan C. Spradling, PhD, of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in Baltimore; for his work on fruit fly genomics
*2007 Maynard Olson of the University of Washington, a bioinformatics specialist
*2006 Elizabeth Blackburn, a cell biologist specializing in telomers
*2005 Robert Hugh Waterston
*2004 Mary Claire King
*2003 David Botstein
*2002 H. Robert Horvitz
*2001 Rudolf Jaenisch

External links

[ Gruber Foundation Web site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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