Gruber Prize for Women’s Rights

Gruber Prize for Women’s Rights

The Gruber Prize for Women’s Rights is one of five, international prizes awarded by the Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, an American non-profit organization based in the U.S. Virgin Islands with offices in New York City. The Gruber Women's Rights Prize was established in 2003, and is worth $500,000 (US).

The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation Women’s Rights Prize is presented to an individual or group that has made significant contributions, often at great personal or professional risk, to furthering the rights of women and girls in any area and to advancing public awareness of the need for gender equality to achieve a just world. Recipients are selected by a distinguished panel of international women's rights experts/activists from nominations that are received from around the world.

The Foundation honors and encourages educational excellence, social justice and scientific achievements that better the human condition. For more information about the Foundation and its priorities, please go to

Nominations for the Gruber Prizes in the women's rights, justice, neuroscience, genetics and cosmology categories are accepted at []


*2008: Yanar Mohammed, co-founder of Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, has become the focal point for women’s rights activism in Iraq: Sapana Pradhan Malla, a leader in securing legal reforms protecting the fundamental reproductive and property rights of women in Nepal, is president of the Forum for Women, Law & Development : Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian,a leading feminist scholar, therapist and activist, has worked to end domestic violence against Palestinian women, particularly what have been referred to as honor killings; living in Israel, she has trained women activists in the West Bank and Gaza and established a hotline for reporting abuse
*2007: Pinar Ilkkaracan of Istanbul, Turkey, and two organizations she helped establish: Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways (WWHR) and the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR)
*2006: Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas: women's organization in Guatemala: Julie Su for Sweatshop Watch: organization in the U.S. state of California: Cecilia Medina Quiroga: Chilean judge, currently serving on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
*2005: Shan Women's Action Network: Women's League of Burma
*2004: Sakena Yacoobi: founder, Afghan Institute of Learning: the Afghan Institute of Learning
*2003 : Navanethem Pillay: South African judge, currently serving on the International Criminal Court: Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe: organization in Rwanda

External links

* [ Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation Women's Rights Prize]

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