- W. R. Dean
W. R. Dean was a British applied mathematician and fluid dynamicist. His research interests included
Stokes flow ,solid mechanics , and flow in curved channels. TheDean number bears his name.Dean carried out pioneering work in the study of fluid flow at low
Reynolds number s, by applying methods fromelasticity theory . Some of his more famous results include solutions for secondary flow in curved tubes, for the perturbation to shear flow near a wall cased by a gap in the wall, and for flow in a corner.Binnie, A. M. (1978) doi-inline|10.1146/annurev.fl.10.010178.000245|Some Notes on the Study of Fluid Mechanics in Cambridge, England, "Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics", 10, 1–11.]Dean was an undergraduate at
Trinity College, Cambridge . He spent five years at Imperial College was later a fellow of Trinity College. During the war he undertook mathematical work as part of the "Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section of M.I.D." [Milne, E. A. (1945) Ralph Howard Fowler. 1889-1944, "Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society", 5, 60–78.] He also held the Goldsmid Chair in Applied Mathematics atUniversity College London (from which he retired in 1964), [Lighthill, J. (1985) [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0080-4606%28198511%2931%3C544%3AKS2S1M%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L Keith Stewartson: 20 September 1925 – 7 May 1983] , "Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society", 31, 544–569.] and a chair at theUniversity of Arizona .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.