Infobox Locomotive

caption=3830 as preserved
gauge=4 ft 8½ in (1435 mm)
railroadclass=38 class
lastrundate=1967| whytetype=4-6-2
driversize=5 ft 9 in (1,752 mm)
boilerpressure=245 psi (1,688 kPa)
tractiveeffort=36,200 lbf (161,017 N)

weight=201 tons (204,000 kg) when in steam
wheelbase=65 ft 7 1/8 in (23,282 mm)
firearea=47 ft² (4.32 m²)
fluearea=36 flues, 2¼ in (139 mm) dia each
tubearea=142 tubes, 2¼ in (51.7 mm) dia each
superheatertype=36 element
totalsurface=3,367.79 ft² (309.82 m²)
disposition=restored for excursion service

3830 (pronounced Thirty-eight thirty) is one of Australia's best known steam locomotives. It was designed to haul express trains for the New South Wales Government Railways, (NSWGR). It is owned and maintained by the Powerhouse museum. It is based out of the Large Erecting Shop Eveleigh (Redfern) NSW


Built in 1949 by New South Wales Government Railways, Eveleigh workshops at Redfern, NSW, 3830 was the last of thirty 38 class locomotives built to haul express trains and replace the lower powered 36 class on main line working. As such, 3830 has the distinction of being the last steam locomotive built in New South Wales. The first five of the class, road numbers 3801 - 3805 were built in Sydney by Clyde Engineering at Granville to a streamlined design, whilst the later 25 locos in the class, which included 3830, were built by the NSWGR and were unstreamlined. 3830 and the more famous 3801 are the only remaining operating locomotives of the class still in operation. One more of the Class, 3820 was the last 38 class steam locomotive in full service with the NSWGR, has been preserved as a static exhibit at the NSW Rail Transport Museum.

The 38 class were first conceived in 1938. They suffered many delays during construction - mostly due to the Second World War. 3830 was the last engine completed and entered service on 27 September, 1949. It went on to haul the first standard gauge "Spirit of Progress" from part of the way from Melbourne to Sydney in 1962. 3830 was attached to the Spirit of Progress at Albury. In 1967 it made its farewell run from Central Railway Station to Wyong and return. After 19 years on the New South Wales Government Railways and having travelled a total of 1,696,796 kilometres, 3830 was withdrawn from service. Set aside for preservation, it was purchased by the Powerhouse Museum from the State Rail Authority of NSW for a nominal fee of $10. By the end of April 1974 all steam trains had been withdrawn from NSW rail lines.


In August 1992, some 25 years after its withdrawal from service, restoration of 3830 began. This was jointly undertaken by the Powerhouse Museum and 3801 Limited. The NSW State Rail Authority provided technical advice and assistance, particularly in relation to the removal of asbestos. Restoration work on the boiler and tender was undertaken at the Hunter Valley Training Company, Maitland. (a Federal Government's Jobskill programme, which provided training for out-of-trade apprentices). Over a 5 and a half year period. A team of about 12 volunteers, under museum supervision, spent about 21,000 hours working on the locomotive at Eveleigh

30 years to the day after its farewell run to Wyong, on Wednesday 22 October 1997, 3830 was recommissioned with a ceremony at the Powerhouse Museum and a commemorative trip to Bankstown. The locomotive made its first passenger carrying journey for the public from Maitland to Sydney some days later. Since then, 3830 has been regularly operated for steam trips, both singly and double-heading with 3801 and a few other steam locomotives such as 3112, 3526 and 3642. 3830 is usually stored at Eveleigh although it is occasionally displayed in the Powerhouse Museum's courtyard when not used for excursions.

ee also



* [http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=85075 Powerhouse Museum page about 3830]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/sydney/stories/s1631345.htm Ticket to Ride - ABC 702 Webpage]
* [http://railpix.railmedia.com.au/index.php?uid=1604009 Railpixs 3830]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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