

name = "Vini"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Blue-crowned Lorikeet
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Psittaciformes
familia = Psittacidae
subfamilia = Loriinae
genus = "Vini"
genus_authority = Lesson, 1833
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =see text

"Vini" is a genus of birds endemic to the islands of the tropical Pacific. They are five extant species of these small lorikeets ranging from eastern Fiji through Samoa, French Polynesia, and as far east as Henderson Island. All members of the genus have exceptional bright plumage, particularly the unusual all over blues of the Blue Lorikeet and the Ultramarine Lorikeet. The Collared Lory ("Phigys solitarius") is sometimes considered to be in this genus.

The "Vini" lorikeets are highly threatened by human changes to their islands. Most species have been lost from a number of islands and two species became extinct before the arrival of European explorers in the Pacific. Today two species are listed as endangered species by the IUCN and two are considered vulnerable. They are primarily threatened by introduced species and habitat loss.

List of species:
* Blue-crowned Lorikeet, "Vini australis"
* Rimatara Lorikeet, "Vini kuhlii"
* Stephen's Lorikeet, "Vini stepheni"
* Blue Lorikeet, "Vini peruviana"
* Ultramarine Lorikeet, "Vini ultramarina"
* †Sinoto's Lorikeet, "Vini sinotoi" (extinct)
* †Conquered Lorikeet, "Vini vidivici" (extinct)


*Steadman D, (2006). "Extinction and Biogeography in Tropical Pacific Birds", University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-77142-7

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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