Stephen Ip

Stephen Ip

Stephen Ip GBS JP (Chinese: 葉澍堃, born 1955) was the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region until 2007. He had been appointed to the position on July 1, 2002.

The post of Secretary for Economic Development and Labour is a political appointment. Ip is a career civil servant. He was Secretary for Economic Services in June 1996 under Chris Patten's colonial administration, until he took up his last civil service post of Secretary for Financial Services in June 2000.

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  • Stephen I — can refer to either*Stephen I of Croatia, ruled 1030. 1058. *Stephen I of Hungary *Stephen I of Iberia *Pope Stephen I *Ecumenical Patriarch Stephen I of Constantinople *Stephen I of Bosnia *Stephen I, Duke of Bavaria *Stephen I of Sancerre… …   Wikipedia

  • Stephen II — may mean:* Pope elect Stephen was, from the 16th century to 1960 considered a valid pope under the name Stephen II. * Pope Stephen II, his successor, was called Stephen III before 1961. * Stephen II of Croatia * Stephen II of Hungary * Stephen II …   Wikipedia

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  • Stephen — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Leslie Stephen (1832–1904), britischer Kleriker, Historiker, Literat und Bergsteiger Marcus Stephen (* 1969), nauruischer Gewichtheber und Staatspräsident Ninian Stephen (* 1923), australischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stephen II —     Pope Stephen II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Stephen II     On the death of Zachary, a certain priest Stephen was unanimously elected to succeed him (about 23 March, 752); but on the third day after his election, whilst transacting some …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Stephen — Stephen1 [stē′vən] [L Stephanus < Gr Stephanas < stephanos, a crown: see STEPHANOTIS] n. 1. a masculine name: dim. Steve; var. Steven; equiv. L. Stephanus, Fr. Étienne, Ger. Stephan, It. Stefano, Sp. Esteban, Russ. Stepen; fem. Stephanie 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Stephen IV — may mean:*Pope Stephen III *Pope Stephen IV *Stephen IV of Hungary …   Wikipedia

  • Stephen V — can refer to:*Pope Stephen IV *Pope Stephen V *Stephen V of Hungary …   Wikipedia

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