- Tephrosia
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Tephrosia purpurea " var. "purpurea"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
genus = "Tephrosia"
genus_authority = Pers."Tephrosia" is a genus of
legume in theFabaceae family. Many species in the "Tephrosia" genus are poisonous, particularly to fish, for their high concentration ofrotenone . "Tephrosia" species have historically been used by many indigenous cultures as fish poisons. [cite web
last = U.S. Food & Drug Administration
authorlink = FDA
title = Results for search term "tephrosia"
work = FDA Poisonous Plant Database
publisher = U.S. Food & Drug Administration
date = 2006-03
url = http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~djw/pltx.cgi?QUERY=tephrosia
format = html
accessdate = 2008-01-21] In the last century, several "Tephrosia" species have been studied in connection with the use ofrotenone as aninsecticide andpesticide .The genus contains the following species:
* "Tephrosia astragaloides "
* "Tephrosia candida "
* "Tephrosia cinerea "
* "Tephrosia coronillaefolia "
* "Tephrosia densiflora "
* "Tephrosia frutescens "
* "Tephrosia macropoda "
* "Tephrosia nitens "
* "Tephrosia odorata "
* "Tephrosia pondoensis "
* "Tephrosia purpurea "
* "Tephrosia rosea "
* "Tephrosia sinapou "
* "Tephrosia socotrana "
* "Tephrosia tomentosa "
* "Tephrosia toxicofera "
* "Tephrosia virginiana "
* "Tephrosia vogelii "References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.