


image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Tephrosia purpurea" var. "purpurea"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
genus = "Tephrosia"
genus_authority = Pers.

"Tephrosia" is a genus of legume in the Fabaceae family. Many species in the "Tephrosia" genus are poisonous, particularly to fish, for their high concentration of rotenone. "Tephrosia" species have historically been used by many indigenous cultures as fish poisons. [cite web
last = U.S. Food & Drug Administration
authorlink = FDA
title = Results for search term "tephrosia"
work = FDA Poisonous Plant Database
publisher = U.S. Food & Drug Administration
date = 2006-03
url = http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~djw/pltx.cgi?QUERY=tephrosia
format = html
accessdate = 2008-01-21
] In the last century, several "Tephrosia" species have been studied in connection with the use of rotenone as an insecticide and pesticide.

The genus contains the following species:
* "Tephrosia astragaloides"
* "Tephrosia candida"
* "Tephrosia cinerea"
* "Tephrosia coronillaefolia"
* "Tephrosia densiflora"
* "Tephrosia frutescens"
* "Tephrosia macropoda"
* "Tephrosia nitens"
* "Tephrosia odorata"
* "Tephrosia pondoensis"
* "Tephrosia purpurea"
* "Tephrosia rosea"
* "Tephrosia sinapou"
* "Tephrosia socotrana"
* "Tephrosia tomentosa"
* "Tephrosia toxicofera"
* "Tephrosia virginiana"
* "Tephrosia vogelii"


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