

Infobox Sura
Arabic_name=سورة النمل
Meaning_of_the_name=The Ant
Number_of_sajdahs=1 (verse 25)

Surah Al-Naml ( _ar. سورة النمل) (The Ant, The Ants) is the 27th sura of the Qur'an with 93 ayat.


The surah tells the stories of various prophets, such as Moses, Solomon and Salih, which preached tawhid. The story of Solomon is more detailed. It is said that Solomon has converted Bilqis to the true religion after a hoopoe reported to him that she is a Sun-worshipping queen. The miracles of Moses, described in the Bible, are also mentioned. The name of the surah is taken from the ants whose conversations were understood by Solomon.

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