Eudes de Sully

Eudes de Sully

Eudes de Sully[1] (died 1208) was bishop of Paris, from 1198 to 1208.



On the political stage, he came into conflict with the French king, Philip Augustus, over Philip's intended repudiation of his wife[2].

As churchman, he continued the building work on Notre Dame de Paris. He is considered the first to have emphasized the elevation of the Host during the Catholic Mass[3]. He in 1175 forbade communion for children[4]. Odo's decree on custody of reserved hosts, requiring a "clean pyx", was influential in England.

In surviving decrees, he as bishop is seen addressing a number of social matters. He attempted to regulate celebrations in his cathedral[5], Christmas[6] and the Feast of Fools[7]. He also tried to ban chess[8].

He is known too for his promotion of polyphony in church, and the music of Pérotin.[9]

He was a founder of the abbey that became Port-Royal.[10]


His brother Henry de Sully was archbishop of Bourges. Their father, also Eudes of Sully, was son of Guillaume de Blois[11].

His predecessor, Maurice de Sully, was not a close family connection.


Eudes' synodal decrees appear in volume 22 of Giovanni Domenico Mansi's Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio , 53 vols., Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlangsanstalt, 1961. More recently Odette Pontal produced a critical edition of these statutes in Les statuts synodaux Français du XIIIe siècle. Tome 1: Les Statuts de Paris et le synodal de l'ouest. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1971.

  • Cheney, C. R., English Synodalia, London, Oxford University Press, 1968.


  1. ^ Odo of Sully, Odo de Sully, Odon de Sully.
  2. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: Paris
  4. ^ History Of The Christian Church*
  5. ^ PDF, p. 174, against mummers, maskers and excessive bell-ringing.
  6. ^ Ensemble Anonymus — Tempus Festorum
  7. ^ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Feast of Fools
  8. ^ Chess - LoveToKnow 1911
  9. ^ [1], in French, 1198.
  10. ^ PDF
  11. ^ Central France

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