- Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Infobox Company
company_name = Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
company_type = Non Profit Organization
company_slogan = "Changing the World, One Life at a Time"
foundation = (1956)
location = Maryland, USA
key_people = Charles Sandefur, PresidentMario Ochoa, Executive Vice PresidentGideon Mutero, Vice President for Finance
| num_employees = 5,000
revenue = $173,000,000
products = Provides individual and community development and disaster including, Food Security, Economic Development, Primary Health, Emergency Management, and Basic Education.
homepage = [http://www.adra.org/ www.adra.org]
industry = Humanitarian/Aid/Disaster Relief/DevelopmentThe Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independenthumanitarian agency operated by the
Seventh-day Adventist Church for the specific purpose of providing individual and community developmentand disaster relief. TheUnited Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted ADRA general consultative status in 1997.ADRA was formerly known as Seventh-day Adventist World Services (SAWS).
According to the U.S. Better Business Bureau’s [http://www.give.org Wise Giving Alliance] , America's largest independent Charity Evaluator, ADRA meets the high standards for charitable accountability set by this organization. Also, for a third straight year, ADRA has received [http://www.charitynavigator.org Charity Navigator's] highest ratings. ADRA has also been named one of top charities in the United States by [http://www.givespot.org GiveSpot] for conducting the organization in an “efficient and transparent way.”
What does ADRA do?
ADRA partners with communities, organizations, and governments to improvethe quality of life for millions around the world through five core portfolioactivities: Food Security, Economic Development, Primary Health, EmergencyManagement, and Basic Education. ADRA recognizes the dignity that is inherentin each person and is committed to improving the quality of human life.
Who does ADRA serve?
ADRA serves people without regard to their ethnic, political, or religious association. It simply helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable such as those with disabilities, children, and senior citizens.
ADRA Facts
* ADRA has a presence in 125 countries.
* More than 90 percent of private donations are used for direct humanitarian services. [ [http://www.givespot.com/lists/give100.htm GiveSpot 100 Highly Rated Charities - Lists at GiveSpot.com ] at www.givespot.com]
* ADRA’s programs benefited nearly 26 million people worldwide in 2007.Where Does ADRA Work?
* [http://www.adra.org/ ADRA International website]
* [http://www.adra-africa.org/ ADRA Africa Regional Office]
* [http://www.adraasia.org/index.htm ADRA Asia]
* [http://www.adra.org.au/ ADRA Australia ]
* [http://www.adra.euroafrica.org/ ADRA Euro-Africa]
* [http://www.adra-te.org/ ADRA Trans Europe]DONOR OFFICES:
* [http://www.adra.at/ ADRA Austria site]
* [http://adra.org.au ADRA Australia]
* [http://www.adra.dk/Default.aspx ADRA Denmark]
* [http://www.adra.ca/ ADRA Canada site]
* [http://www.adra.de/ ADRA Germany]
* [http://www.adra.fr/ ADRA France]
* [http://www.adrajpn.org/ ADRA Japan]
* [http://www.adra.nl/ ADRA Netherlands]
* [http://www.adranorge.no/English ADRA Norway]
* [http://www.adra.org.pt ADRA Portugal]
* [http://www.adra-es.org/ ADRA Spain]
* [http://www.adra.se/ ADRA Sweden]
* [http://www.adra.org.uk/ ADRA UK site]IMPLEMENTING OFFICES:
* [http://www.adrabahia.org.br/home.php ADRA Bahi/Brazil]
* [http://www.adra-bg.org/home.aspx ADRA Bulgaria]
* [http://www.adracambodia.org/ ADRA Cambodia]
* [http://www.adra.cz/english-version/who-we-are.jsp ADRA Czech Republic]
* [http://adra-southdrc.org/ ADRA South Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)]
* [http://www.adra.hr/ ADRA Croatia]
* [http://www.adraguinea.org/ ADRA Guinea]
* [http://www.adraindia.org/ ADRA India site]
* [http://www.adraindonesia.org/ ADRA Indonesia]
* [http://www.adrakenya.org/ ADRA Kenya]
* [http://www.adralaos.org/ ADRA Laos]
* [http://www.adranepal.org/ ADRA Nepal]
* [http://www.adra.org.nz/ ADRA New Zealand site]
* [http://www.adra.st/ ADRA São Tomé e Príncipe(STP)]
* [http://www.adra-sa.org.za/site_files/index.asp ADRA South Africa]
* [http://www.adrasom.org/ ADRA Somalia]
* [http://www.adrasrilanka.org/ ADRA Sri Lanka]
* [http://www.adratz.org/ ADRA Tanzania]
* [http://www.adra.tg/ ADRA Togo]External links
*UK charity|1074937|ADRA-UK
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