

color = lightgrey
name = Bradyrhizobiaceae
regnum = Bacteria
phylum = Proteobacteria
classis = Alpha Proteobacteria
ordo = Rhizobiales
familia = Bradyrhizobiaceae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Afipia
The Bradyrhizobiaceae are a family of bacteria, with ten genera. They include plant-associated bacteria such as "Bradyrhizobium", a genus of rhizobia associated with some legumes. It also contains animal-associated bacteria such as "Afipia felis", formerly thought to cause cat-scratch disease. Others are free-living, such as "Rhodopseudomonas", a purple bacterium found in marine water and soils. The strain "Rhodopseudomonas palustris" DX-1 can generate an electric current with no hydrogen production, a trait that is being explored in the development of the microbial fuel cell [cite journal
author=Defeng Xing, Yi Zuo, Shaoan Cheng, John M. Regan, and Bruce E. Logan
title=Electricity Generation by "Rhodopseudomonas palustris" DX-1
journal=Environ. Sci. Technol.
] .


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