
Coat of arms of Meinhard
Meinhard is located in Germany
Coordinates 51°01′N 10°10′E / 51.01667°N 10.16667°E / 51.01667; 10.16667Coordinates: 51°01′N 10°10′E / 51.01667°N 10.16667°E / 51.01667; 10.16667
Country Germany
State Hesse
Admin. region Kassel
District Werra-Meißner-Kreis
Municipal subdivisions 11 districts
Mayor Hans Giller
Basic statistics
Area 59.52 km2 (22.98 sq mi)
Elevation 363 m  (1191 ft)
Population 2,932 (31 December 2010)[1]
 - Density 49 /km2 (128 /sq mi)
Other information
Time zone CET/CEST (UTC+1/+2)
Licence plate ESW
Postal code 37276
Area code 05651

Meinhard is a community in the Werra-Meißner-Kreis in Hesse, Germany.




The community lies in the North Hesse Low Mountain Range landscape on the edge of the Werra valley, 3 km from the district seat of Eschwege.

Near Meinhard-Frieda, the Frieda empties into the Werra. After heavy rainfall, it can swell into a fast-running river that can wash the bank of the Werra away. On the bank facing Meinhard-Jestädt, the Wehre empties into the Werra.

Neighbouring communities

Meinhard borders in the northeast and the east on the communities of Volkerode, Pfaffschwende, Kella and Geismar (all four in Thuringia’s Eichsfeld district), in the southeast on the town of Wanfried, in the south and west on the town of Eschwege and in the northwest on the town of Bad Sooden-Allendorf (all three in the Werra-Meißner-Kreis).

Constituent communities

The community’s seven Ortsteile are Frieda, Grebendorf (administrative seat), Hitzelrode, Jestädt, Neuerode, Motzenrode and Schwebda.


Community council

The municipal election held on 26 March 2006 yielded the following results:

Parties and voter communities %
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany 18.5 6 16.7 5
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany 58.2 18 60.6 19
F.D.P./ÜWG F.D.P./ÜWG 23.3 7 22.7 7
Total 100.0 31 100.0 31
Voter turnout in % 62.1 64.3


Mayor Hans Giller (SPD) was reëlected on 2 December 2007 with 89.1% of the vote. He had no opponents. Voter turnout was 39.0%.

Culture and sightseeing


  • Ruins of Schwebda Castle (moated)

Economy and infrastructure


Through Bundesstraße 249 (Eschwege-Mühlhausen), which runs right through the community, Meinhard is linked to the highway network.

Famous people

  • Baron Friedrich Rudolf Ernst von Feilitzsch (b. 14 July 1858 in Jestädt; d. 23 January 1942 in Bückeburg), politician in the Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe and its first Prime Minister.
  • Heinz Fromm (b. 10 July 1948 in Meinhard-Frieda) has been since June 2000 President of the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection


External links

This article incorporates information from the German Wikipedia.

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