Mohammad Fazlhashemi

Mohammad Fazlhashemi

Seyyed Mohammad Fazlhashemi, was born in Tehern/Iran in 1961. He has been living in Sweden since 1977. He is a professor of History of Ideas at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University, Sweden. He obtained a PhD in 1994 with a thesis on the political thoughts of the Muslim thinker al-Ghazali (1058–1111) and the development of political thinking in the Muslim world during the European Middle Ages. His research has since focused on Islamic/Muslim history of ideas during modern times. In particular he has studied the perception of Europe/the West and modernity in the Muslim world, the construction of the images of Europe/the West and modernity in the Muslim world, the construction of the images of the West among Muslim scholars and the images of the Muslim Orient in the West. His most recent published work is Vems islam? De kontrastrika muslimerna, (Whose Islam? The Multifaceted Muslims), 2008. This book has been republished in 2009 and 2010. Mohammad Fazlhashemi is a regular contributor to the Swedish radio and printed media on subjects relating to the role of Islam in the modern world.


  • Förändring och kontinuitet, Al-Ghazâlîs politiska omsvängning, Umeå, 1994.
  • "Muslimsk exil och den europeiska medborgarskapsdiskursen, iranska intellektuella i London och Paris 1850-1908", Medborgarskap, Reflektioner kring ett problematiskt europeiskt begrepp, ed. Fazlhashemi, Mohammad & Fruitman, Stephen, Stockholm, 1997.
  • "Turkey: Iran's Window on Europe", Boundaries of Europe?, FRN rapport nr 98:6, Stockholm, 1998.
  • Exemplets makt, Föreställningar om Europa/Väst i Iran 1850-1980, Stockholm, 1999.
  • Vidgade vyer, Globalt perspektiv på idéhistoria, ed. Fazlhashemi, Öckerman & Ambjörnsson, Lund, 2000.
  • Occidentalism: idéer om väst och modernitet bland muslimska tänkare, Lund, 2005.
  • Vems islam. De kontrastrika muslimerna, Stockholm, 2008.
  • Omodernt : människor och tankar i förmodern tid / (ed.) Mohammad Fazlhashemi & Eva Österberg, Lund, 2009.
  • Tro eller förnuft i politisk islam, Stockholm, 2011.

External links

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