Katsugen undō

Katsugen undō

Katsugen undō (regenerating movement exercise, 活源運動, かつげんうんどー) is a Seitai exercise developed by Haruchika Noguchi in which one on purpose lets go of conscious control of the body and allow it to heal itself. Also a manifestation of regenerating movement exists which is spontaneously induced by the body and which is simply called katsugen.Haruchika Noguchi. "Order, Spontaneity and the Body." Tokyo:Zensei, 1985. ISBN 4-915417-00-X.] [ [http://www.dreamhawk.com/seitai1.htm Seitai] ]

This exercise is not to be performed by people that have transplanted organs because the exercise increases risk of rejection by the body. [ [http://www.ecole-itsuo-tsuda.org/EN/bonjour_maladie.html Interview on Katsugen] Extended interview of Régis Soavi, a Tsuda faculty member.]

Safest is to be introduced to this practice by a trained seitai technician, but short description of what is entailed will follow. Before consciously inducing katsugen undō, one has to do two preparatory movements and a method exists for ending katsugen undō. This makes a total of four movements. It is also possible to do mutual katsugen undō by two people or while sitting on chair when seiza on tatami is not possible [http://www.aetw.org/jsp_katsugen_undo.htm Detailed Katsugen practice description] Complete list of all five steps in the practice.] .

Below is a short description of all the movements in seiza:
#First preparatory movement, repeat three or four times
##Place index, middle and ring fingers of both hands joined about three fingers below the sternum, just below the solar plexus.
##Inhale though the nose.
##While exhaling with an 'haaa'-sound, synchronously bend over and press these six fingers gently inwards.
##When completely having exhaled and bent over, suddenly relax complete the body and remain in this position for a short while.
#Second preparatory movement, repeat three of four times
##Slowly turn the head and body to the left.
##Release suddenly at the (not too strenuous) maximum.
##Do the same to the right.
#Inducing katsugen undō, repeat maximum of three times
##Hold the thumb in the hand by closing the fingers.
##While inhaling, raise the lower arms vertically until the upper arms are horizontal.
##Breath out while pressing the shoulder blades towards each other, creating maximum (not too strenuous) tension at the end of exhaling.
##At the end of this entirely fluid movement, relax suddenly.
##Close the eyes, think of nothing in particular and allow the body make natural movements to regenerate itself.
#Ending katsugen undō
##Breath in deeply and hold it.
##Compress the air in the lower abdomen with a short 'hmmmp'-sound.
##Open first the left eye, then the right eye.
##Slowly breath out and relax for a while before getting up.


*Haruchika Noguchi. "Order, Spontaneity and the Body." Tokyo:Zensei, 1985. ISBN 4-915417-00-X.
*Richard S. Omura. "Katsugen: The Gentle Art of Well-Being." iUniverse, 2000. ISBN 0-595-13079-8.


External links

* [http://www.ecole-itsuo-tsuda.org/EN/pratiques.html Katsugen undo] Overview by Tsuda, one of the 2nd generation teachers.
* [http://www.seishindo.org/practices/katsugen_undo.html Natural movement that renews life at its root] Partial list of steps.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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