- Tucson Hebrew Academy
Tucson Hebrew Academy is a nationally accredited
Jewish day school inTucson ,Arizona . It is located at [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3888+e+river+rd,+tucson,+az&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.462243,82.265625&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1 3888 E River Rd] . THA offers bothelementary school andmiddle school (grades 1-8).The school was founded in
1973 While the school now has its own facility, prior to 1994 it was located within Congregation Anshei Israel. An additional building was completed in 1997 and now primarily houses the middle school. The current location is located on theVolk Jewish Community Campus , which also houses the [http://tucsonjcc.org/ Tucson Jewish Community Center] , [http://jewishtucson.org/ Arizona Jewish Post] and [http://www.jewishtucson.org/section.html?id=182 Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona] .In addition to regular academics and secular studies, the school offers instruction in
Hebrew ,Judaic studies ,Torah (Bible) and T'filah (Jewishprayer ). According to the school's [http://www.tucsonhebrew.org/about-faq.html website] , the average class size is 14 students, with a student/teacher ratio of 9:1.As a
private school , THA charges tuition for attending students. However, substantial financial aid is available and provided to students demonstrating need.External links
* [http://www.tucsonhebrew.org/ Tucson Hebrew Academy's website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.