List of moths of India (Noctuidae)

List of moths of India (Noctuidae)

This article is a list of the moths of Family Noctuidae ("sensu" Kitching & Rawlins, 1999) which are found in India. It also acts as an index to the species articles and forms part of the full List of moths of India. Subfamilies and species are listed alphabetically, though the list order of Catocalinae will be based on Holloway, 2005 (updates in progress). Species currently listed are those extracted from Kendrick (2002 [2003] ) and will be augmented by the species listed in Hampson (vol. 2, 1894; vol. 3, 1895), once the updated nomenclature has been worked out and cross referenced against [ LepIndex] .


* "Acontia marmoralis" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Cretonia vegetus" (Swinhoe, 1885)
* "Lophoruza lunifera" (Moore, [1885] 1884-1887)
* "Metaemene atriguttata" (Walker, 1862)
* "Zurobata vacillans" (Walker, 1864)


* "Acronicta pruinosa" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Bryophilina mollicula" (Graeser, 1888 [1889] )
* "Tycracrona obliqua" Moore, 1882


* "Asota caricae" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Asota ficus" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Asota heliconia" (Linnaeus, 1758)
* "Asota plaginota" Butler, 1875
* "Asota plana" (Butler, 1881)
* "Neochera inops" (Walker, 1854)


* "Episteme arctopsa" (Chu & Chen, 1962)
* "Exsula dentatrix" (Westwood, 1848)
* "Sarbanissa albifascia" (Walker, 1865)


* "Bagisara plagiata" (Walker, 1858)
* "Chasmina judicata" (Walker, 1858)
* "Sphragifera rejecta" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Xanthodes intersepta" Guenée, 1852
* "Xanthodes transversa" Guenée, 1852


* "Crithote horridipes" Walker, 1864
* "Plecoptera luteiceps" (Walker, 1865)
* "Plecoptera recta" (Pagenstacher, 1886)
* "Plecoptera reflexa" Guenée, 1852
* "Diomea rotundata" Walker, [1858] 1857
* "Arcte coerula" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Calesia dasyptera" (Kollar, 1844)
* "Calyptra minuticornis" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Cyclodes omma" (Hoeven, 1840)
* "Dierna patibulum" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Eudocima homaena" Hübner, [1823] 1816
* "Eudocima hypermnestra" (Stoll, 1780)
* "Eudocima phalonia" (Linnaeus, 1763)
* "Eudocima salaminia" (Cramer, 1777)
* "Eudocima tyrannus" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Lacera noctilio" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Oraesia emarginata" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Oraesia excavata" (Butler, 1878)
* "Plusiodonta coelonota" (Kollar, 1844)
* "Raparna transversa" Moore, 1882
* "Sphingomorpha chlorea" (Cramer, 1777)
* "Spirama retorta" (Clerck, 1759)
* "Serrodes campana" Guenée, 1852
* "Aedia leucomelas" (Linnaeus, 1758)
* "Athyrmina birthana" (Swinhoe, 1905)
* "Entomogramma fautrix" Guenée, 1852
* "Ercheia cyllaria" (Cramer, 1779)
* "Ercheia umbrosa" Butler, 1881
* "Erebus macrops" (Linnaeus, 1770)
* "Anisoneura aluco" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Anisoneura salebrosa" Guenée, 1852
* "Bamra mundata" (Walker, 1858)
* "Erygia apicalis" Guenée, 1852
* "Ischyja ferrifracta" (Walker, [1863] 1864)
* "Platyja ciacula" Swinhoe, 1893
* "Platyja umminea" (Cramer, 1780)
* "Sympis rufibasis" Guenée, 1852
* "Avitta fasciosa" Moore, 1882
* "Bocula caradrinoides" Guenée, 1852
* "Bocula diffisa" (Swinhoe, 1890)
* "Bocula marginata" (Moore, 1882)
* "Pantura rufifrons" (Moore, 1887)
* "Ugia insuspecta" Galsworthy, 1997
* "Ugia mediorufa" (Hampson, 1894)
* "Hypospila bolinoides" Guenée, 1852
* "Chilkasa perhamata" (Hampson, 1894)
* "Egnasia mesotypa" Swinhoe, 1906
* "Lycimna polymesata" Walker, 1860
* "Nagadeba indecoralis" Walker, [1886] 1865
* "Thalatta fasciosa" Moore, 1882
* "Throana pectinifer" (Hampson, 1898)
* "Mecodina aequilinea" Hampson, 1926
* "Psimada quadripennis" Walker, 1858
* "Anticarsia irrorata" (Fabricius, 1781)
* "Arsacia rectalis" (Walker, 1863)
* "Blasticorhinus rivulosa" (Walker, 1865)
* "Gesonia obeiditalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Goniocraspedon mistura" (Swinhoe, 1891)
* "Hepatica irrorata" (Wileman & South, 1917)
* "Loxioda similis" (Moore, 1882)
* "Marapana pulverata" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Pseudosphetta Moorei" (Cotes & Swinhoe, 1885)
* "Rema costimacula" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Rhesala imparata" Walker, 1858
* "Schistorhynx argentistriga" Hampson, 1898
* "Ericeia eriophora" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Ericeia inangulata" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Ericeia pertendens" (Walker, 1858)
* "Hulodes caranea" (Cramer, 1780)
* "Lacera procellosa" Butler, 1879
* "Hypocala deflorata" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Hypocala rostrata" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Hypocala subsatura" Guenée, 1852
* "Hypocala violacea" Butler, 1879
* "Hypopyra ossigera" Guenée, 1852
* "Hypopyra vespertilio" (Fabricius, 1787)
* "Ommatophora luminosa" (Cramer, 1780)
* "Achaea janata" (Linnaeus, 1758)
* "Artena dotata" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Bastilla absentimacula" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Bastilla amygdalis" (Moore, [1885] 1884-1887)
* "Bastilla analis" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Bastilla arcuata" (Moore, 1887)
* "Bastilla crameri" (Moore, [1885] 1884-1887)
* "Bastilla fulvotaenia" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Bastilla joviana" (Stoll, 1782)
* "Bastilla maturata" (Walker, 1858)
* "Bastilla maturescens" (Walker, 1858)
* "Bastilla praetermissa" (Warren, 1913)
* "Bastilla simillima" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Buzara onelia" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Chalciope mygdon" (Cramer, 1777)
* "Dysgonia stuposa" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Grammodes geometrica" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Macaldenia palumba" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Mocis frugalis" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Mocis undata" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Ophisma gravata" Guenée, 1852
* "Ophiusa disjungens" (Walker, 1858)
* "Ophiusa indistincta" (Moore, 1882)
* "Ophiusa olista" (Swinhoe, 1893)
* "Ophiusa tirhaca" (Cramer, 1780)
* "Ophiusa triphaenoides" (Walker, 1858)
* "Oxyodes scrobiculata" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Pindara illibata" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Thyas coronata" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Thyas juno" (Dalman, 1823)
* "Trigonodes hyppasia" (Cramer, 1779)
* "Pandesma anysa" Guenée, 1852
* "Pandesma quenavadi" Guenée, 1852
* "Polydesma boarmoides" Guenée, 1852
* "Condate angulina" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Lophathrum comprimens" (Walker, 1858)
* "Pangrapta albistigma" (Hampson, 1898)
* "Saroba pustulifera" Walker, 1865
* "Sarobides inconclusa" (Walker, [1863] 1864)
* "Tamba apicata" (Hampson, 1902)
* "Anomis figlina" Butler, 1889
* "Cosmophila flava" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Dinumma deponens" Walker, 1858
* "Dinumma placens" Walker, 1858
* "Falana sordida" Moore, 1882
* "Gonitis involuta" Walker, [1858] 1857
* "Gonitis mesogona" Walker, [1858] 1857
* "Daddala lucilla" (Butler, 1881)
* "Hypersypnoides submarginata" (Walker, 1865)
* "Calesia haemorrhoa" Guenée, 1852
* "Tinolius eburneigutta" Walker, 1855
* "Tinolius hypsana" Swinhoe, 1889
* "Pantydia metaspila" (Walker, [1858] 1857)


* "Bagada poliomera" (Hampson, 1908)
* "Condica albigutta" (Wileman, 1912)
* "Condica dolorosa" (Walker, 1865)
* "Condica illecta" (Walker, 1865)
* "Perigea chinensis" Wallengren, 1860


* "Callopistria aethiops" Butler, 1878
* "Callopistria guttulalis" Hampson, 1906
* "Callopistria juventina" (Stoll, 1782)
* "Callopistria palcodoides" (Guenée, 1862)
* "Callopistria repleta" Walker, [1858] 1857


* "Amyna octo" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Amyna punctum" (Fabricius, 1794)
* "Autoba abrupta" (Walker, 1865)
* "Autoba rubra" (Hampson, 1902)
* "Catoblemma semialba" (Hampson, 1902)
* "Eublemma anachoresis" (Wallengren, 1863)
* "Eublemma baccalix" (Swinhoe, 1886)
* "Eublemma cochylioides" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Eublemma ragusana" (Freyer, 1845)
* "Eublemma rivula" (Moore, 1882)
* "Eustrotia marginata" (Walker, 1866)
* "Hyperstrotia molybdota" Hampson, 1910
* "Lithacodia crotopha" (Swinhoe, 1905)
* "Maliattha quadripartita" (Walker, 1865)
* "Maliattha separata" Walker, 1863
* "Maliattha signifera" (Walker, [1858] 1857)
* "Oruza divisa" (Walker, 1862)
* "Ozarba brunnea" (Leech, 1900)
* "Ozarba punctigera" Walker, 1865


* "Anuga multiplicans" (Walker, 1858)
* "Eutelia adulatricoides" (Mell, 1943)
* "Eutelia favillatrixoides" Poole, 1989
* "Eutelia geyeri" (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
* "Paectes subapicalis" (Walker, [1858] 1857)


* "Apamea sodalis" (Butler, 1878)
* "Aeologramma albiscripta" (Hampson, 1897)
* "Antha grata" (Butler, 1881)
* "Apsarasa radians" (Westwood, 1848)
* "Athetis bremusa" (Swinhoe, 1885)
* "Athetis cognata" (Moore, 1882)
* "Athetis delecta" (Moore, 1881)
* "Athetis sincera" (Swinhoe, 1889)
* "Athetis stellata" (Moore, 1882)
* "Callyna monoleuca" Walker, 1858
* "Callyna semivitta" Moore, 1882
* "Dyptergina indica" (Moore, 1867)
* "Elusa antennata" (Moore, 1882)
* "Feliniopsis hyperythra" Galsworthy, 1997
* "Feliniopsis indistans" (Guenée, 1852)
* "Mythimna byssina" Swinhoe, 1886
* "Mythimna compta" Moore, 1881
* "Mythimna curvilinea" Hampson, 1891
* "Mythimna fasciata" (Moore, 1881)
* "Mythimna formosana" Butler, 1880
* "Mythimna Moorei" (Swinhoe, 1902)
* "Mythimna pallidicosta" (Hampson, 1894)
* "Mythimna separata" (Walker, 1865)
* "Mythimna snelleni" Hreblay, 1996
* "Mythimna tangala" Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874
* "Mythimna yu" Guenée, 1852
* "Nonagria grisescens" (Hampson, 1910)
* "Sasunaga tenebrosa" (Moore, 1867)
* "Spodoptera mauritia" (Boisduval, 1833)
* "Tiracola aureata" Holloway, 1989
* "Trachea auriplena" (Walker, 1857)
* "Xylostola indistincta" (Moore, 1882)


* "Helicoverpa armigera" (Hübner, [1809] )
* "Heliothis cruentata" (Moore, 1881)
* "Heliothis irrorata" (Moore, 1881)


* "Bertula partita" Hampson, 1891
* "Hydrillodes abavalis" (Walker, [1859] 1858)
* "Hydrillodes hemusalis" (Walker, [1859] 1858)
* "Hydrillodes lentalis" Guenée, 1854
* "Nodaria externalis" Guenée, 1854
* "Nodaria fusca" Hampson, 1895
* "Nodaria simplex" Hampson, 1898
* "Polypogon fractalis" (Guenée, 1854)
* "Simplicia butesalis" (Walker [1859] )
* "Simplicia mistacalis" (Guenée, 1854)
* "Simplicia niphona" (Butler, 1878)


* "Acidon evae" Lödl, 1998
* "Anoratha paritalis" (Walker, [1859] 1858)
* "Catada bipartita" (Moore, 1882)
* "Hypena albisigna" Moore, 1882
* "Hypena ciaridoides" Moore, 1882
* "Hypena iconicalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Hypena indicatalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Hypena labatalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Hypena laceratalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Hypena nocturnalis" Swinhoe, 1896
* "Hypena occatus" Hampson, 1882
* "Hypena ophiusoides" Moore, 1882
* "Hypena rhombalis" Guenée, 1854
* "Hypena thermesialis" Walker, [1866] 1865
* "Lysimelia alstoni" Holloway, 1979
* "Lysimelia neleusalis" Walker, [1859] 1858
* "Sarobela litterata" (Pagenstecher, 1888)


* "Rivula basalis" Hampson, 1891
* "Rivula bioculalis" Moore, 1877
* "Rivula curvifera" (Walker, 1862)
* "Rivula niveipuncta" Swinhoe, 1905
* "Rivula ochracea" (Moore, 1882)
* "Rivula pallida" Moore, 1882
* "Rivula striatura" Swinhoe, 1895


* "Agrotis segetum" ( [Denis & Schiffermüller] , 1775)
* "Diarsia canescens" (Butler, 1878)


* "Agrapha furcifera" (Walker, [1858] 1857)
* "Chrysodeixis acuta" (Walker, [1858] 1857)
* "Chrysodeixis chalcites" (Esper, 1789)
* "Chrysodeixis eriosoma" (Doubleday, 1843)
* "Ctenoplusia agnata" (Staudinger, 1892)
* "Anadevidia peponis" (Fabricius, 1775)
* "Dactyloplusia impulsa" (Walker, 1865)
* "Sclerogenia jessica" (Butler, 1878)
* "Scriptoplusia nigriluna" (Walker, [1858] 1857)
* "Trichoplusia daubei" (Boisduval, 1840)
* "Trichoplusia intermixta" (Warren, 1913)
* "Trichoplusia ni" (Hübner, [1803] )
* "Zonoplusia ochreata" (Walker, 1865)


* "Gyrtona todara" (Hampson, 1912)
* "Lophoptera anthyalus" (Hampson, 1894)
* "Lophoptera hemithyris" (Hampson, 1905)
* "Lophoptera squammigera" Guenée, 1852


* "Luceria oculalis" (Moore, 1877)


* et al. (1892-1937) Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma - Moths. Vols. 1-5 cxix + 2813 p - 1295 figs - 1 table - 15 pl (12 in col.)
*, 2005. The Moths of Borneo: Family Noctuidae, subfamily Catocalinae. "Malayan Nature Journal" 58: 1-529.
*, 2002 [2003] . "Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Hong Kong". Ph.D. thesis, The University of Hong Kong. xvi + 660 pp. []
*, 1999. Noctuoidea. pp. 355401 in Kristensen, N.P. (ed.). "Handbook of Zoology: Bd. 4. Arthropoda: Insecta. Teilbd. 35, Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. Vol. 1. Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography." Gruyter, Berlin.
*. Website on [ Lepidoptera and some other life forms] - Page on [ Family Noctuidae] (Accessed on 08 Jul 2007).

ee also

*List of moths of India

* [| Aganaidae (Snouted tigers) of SOUTH-EAST ASIA and the INDO-AUSTRALIAN TROPICS INDONESIA in particular by Jaap Zwier The Netherlands ]

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