

company_type = Joint stock company
company_name = UkrSibbank
foundation = Kharkiv, Ukraine (June 18 1990)
location_city = Kiev
location_country = Ukraine
industry = Finance and Insurance
revenue = profit Ukrainian hryvnia 56,1 million (2006)
num_employees = over 10000 (2006)
slogan = "Stars in your disposal"
homepage = []

«UkrSibbank» - full name Joint Stock Commercial Innovation BankUkrSibbank”. It was registered on June 18, 1990. As of today, JSCIB «UkrSibbank» is the third largest bank of Ukraine, the second among foreign-owned banks, and acts as a financial supermarket.

The Bank has 1000 branches over all the country and offers full range of banking services for legal entities and individuals. Year by year UkrSibbank increases its share in all financial sectors, thanks in particular to the support of the BNP Paribas group.

Shareholders and Management Board

On December 20, 2005, the share purchase agreement according to which French Bank BNP Paribas purchased 51% of shares in JSCIBUkrSibbankwas officially signed. Correspondingly 49% of shares in UkrSibbank are hold by the previous shareholders. Transaction was closed on the 18th of April, 2006.
Chairman of the Management Board of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» – Oleksandr Adarich.


" - Registration of commercial innovation bank «Kharkovinkombank» with the Central Bank of the USSR.

" - Transformation into a joint stock company and change of name by Joint Stock Commercial innovation Bank «Kharkovinkombank».
" - Registration of the Bank with the National Bank of Ukraine.

" - Incorporation of the Bank into Ukrainian-Siberian Corporation «UkrSibinkor».
" - Change of name from JSCIB «Kharkovinkombank» into JSCIB «UkrSibbank».
" - Obtaining the NBU license for currency valuables transactions.
" - Opening of the first correspondent account in foreign currency with the bank «Scalbert Dupont» (Lille, France).
" - Commencement by JSCIB «UkrSibbank» of operations with individuals.

" - Implementation of automated banking system «Client-Bank».
" - Enlistment in the Ukrainian Banks Association.
" - Signing agent agreement with American Express for traveler's checks distribution.

" - Banks subscription with SWIFT.
" - Obtaining permit by the Ministry of Finance on securities issue and circulation.

" - Replacement of the Banks shareholders.
" - Banks Statutory fund increase up to UAH 90 mln.
" - Opening of affiliated branches of the Bank in Cherkasy, Severodonetsk, and Zhytomyr.
" - Implementation of REUTERS system.
" - Obtaining license for transactions at international exchange markets.

" - Opening of the affiliated branch in Kyiv.
" - Establishing partnership with «PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Audit, first audit inspection of the Bank in accordance with international standards.
" - Starting the Banks activity as a distributor of American Express credit cards.

" - Banks enlistment in OTC Stock Trading System (at presentPFTS Ukraine Stock Exchange).
" - Obtaining permit issued by the State Committee for Securities and Stock Market on keeping registry of registered securities owners, and on the right of depositary activity.
" - Commencement of cash service of municipal budgets.

" - Opening of the Banks affiliated branch in Poltava, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kryvy Rig, of the outlet in Dniprodzerdzhynsk.
" - Incorporation into the Kharkiv Banking Union.
" - Golden Medal award of the Bank by the Industrial Promotion Association (France) for performance dynamics and commercial projects implementation.

" - Opening of the Banks affiliated branches in Mykolayiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mariupol, of the Banks general agency in Kyiv.
" - Banks joining Europay system.
" - Commencement of «GEO» card project implementation and Banks operating in Western Union.

" - Banks assets topped UAH 1 bln.
" - First emission of MasterCard cards. Joining Ukrainian interbank association of Europay International «ЕМА» members.
" - Opening of the Banks affiliated branch in Lviv.
" - Starting the project of establishing a standard outlets network of the Bank on the territory of Ukraine.
" - Launch of «Telephone-Bank» and «Internet-banking» projects.
" - Introducing the offer for corporate clients on complex package servicing program.
" - Successful placement of corporate bonds of Kyivstar G.S.M..
" - Compensation disbursements to victims of Fascist persecution during the Second World War (so called Wiedergutmachung).
" - Obtaining the right to effect pension and social payments.

" - Opening of the affiliated branches in Zaporizhzhya, Kirovograd, Vinnytsa, Kherson, Sumy and Rivne.
" - Launching the long-term financing program for Ukraines businesses.
" - Implementation of new technologies of remote client servicebanking terminal of self-service.
" - Commencement of work in instant transfer system «ANELIK».
" - Formalizing plastic cards issuing for clients via corporate web site.
" - Implementing major projects on Ukrainian enterprises corporate bonds placing for the total amount of UAH 100mln: PJSC «Titan», SIA «Borispol», CJSC «Sarmat».
" - Dynamic activity on servicing corporate bonds issue of CJSC Kyivstar G.S.M., effected in 2001.

" - Head Office transfer to Kyiv.
" - Statutory fund increase up to UAH 210 mln.
" - Principal membership in IPS Visa International.
" - Membership in Ukrainian public organization «Ukrainian Taxpayers Association».
" - Realization of series of salary projects based on МаsterCard Int. payment cards implementing overdraft lending of the cardholders.
" - Loan portfolio exceeded USD 500mln as for Q3 performance results.
" - Opening of Crimean regional office in Simferopol and the Banks affiliated branch in Chernigiv.
" - Launch of «VIP-club» program.
" - Leading position on bond loan marketissue and servicing of corporate bonds of CJSC «Kievstar G.S.M.» (second emission), SIA «Borispol» (second emission), Subsidiary CJSC PA «Kiev-Konti» «Konti-Invest», travel agency «SAM», Subsidiary «Ukrtransgas», LLC «UkrSib-Finance», OJSC «Azot», Kyiv municipal state administration, CJSC «Sarmat», LLC «Concern «АVК».

" - Increase of statutory fund p to UAH 600 mln.
" - Individualsterm deposits topped UAH 1 bln.
" - Issue of the 250-thousandth payment card.
" - Emission of VISA INSTANT ISSUE.
" - Opening of Mortgage Center of JSCIB «UkrSibbank».
" - Obtaining the NBU license on Ukraines Eurobonds transactions.
" - Emission and successful placing of the Banks Eurobonds.
" - Assignment of long-term credit rating B2/NP and E+ – on financial potential (Financial Stability Rating) by Moody's.
" - «Best Investment Bank of Ukraine» award according to 2003 results by International Information Agency «Cbonds».
" - «UkrSibbank» recognized as major securities dealer in the First Stock Trading System in 2004 according to rating «TOP 100. Best Financial Companies of Ukraine».

" - «UkrSibbank» entered the banking market of the Russian Federation.
" - Opening of Mortgage Centers of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» in Donetsk and Lviv.
" - Establishment of the 600th branch of «UkrSibbank».
" - General meeting of shareholders of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» resolved to increase the banks statutory fund by UAH150 mln up to UAH 750 mln.
" - Bank ranked fourth among custodians and first among custodian-banks by rating «TOP 100. Best Financial Companies».
" - «UkrSibbank» was rendered $37 mln syndicated loan.
" - JSCIB «UkrSibbank» placed Eurobonds in the amount of $ 125mln at the coupon rate 8.95% per annum with 3-years maturity.
" - Investment banks Deutsche Bank AG London Branch and UBS Limited acted as issue lead-managers.

" - General meeting of shareholders of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» made a decision to increase the number of the Supervisory Council members of the Bank.
" - BNP Paribas finalized the purchase of 51% of shares in «UkrSibbank». Previous shareholders hold 49% of stake.
" - Moodys raised ratings of "UkrSibbanks" Eurobonds to «Ва2» and assigned rating «Ваа1» and «Рrime-2» to deposits in national currency.
" - Financial result of the Banks activities for 1H of 2006 made up UAH 20 mln.
" - «UkrSibbank» celebrated the 16th anniversary of successful activity on financial market of Ukraine.
" - National Bank of Ukraine registered the increase of statutory fund of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» by UAH 500mln up to UAH 1.25 bln.
" - «UkrSibbank» and BNP Parіbas opened the first Trading Center in Ukrainejoint project of trade finance development.
" - A new structural entity established in the BankConsumer Finance Department (Cetelem).
" - Opening of the new office of Dnipro Regional Department of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» in the city of Dnipropetrovsk.
" - SME loan portfolio of «UkrSibbank» topped USD 500mln.
" - Bank arranged a «hot line» for entrepreneurs.
" - Opening of the new office of Western Regional Department of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» in Lviv.
" - Individuals loan portfolio of JSCIB «UkrSibbank» topped USD 1bln.
" - JSCIB «UkrSibbank» listed among TOP 3 banks of Ukraine.
" - Bank ranks second in the «Annual Statements 2005» awards.
" - Statutory fund increased up to UAH 1.750bln.
" - Placing of 5-years Eurobonds of the Bank on international debt capital markets.

" - «UkrSibbank» - one of the best employers in Ukraine.
" - Growth rate of individualsloan portfolio of the Bank outperformed market growth figures.


«UkrSibbank» ranks first on up-and-coming securities market and was nominated the best investment bank of Ukraine. The Bank takes leading positions in the consumer finance segment.The Banks branches are operating all over Ukraine. By the end of 2007, the branch network will be increased up to 1000 outlets. Dozens of thousands of Ukraines businesses are customers of «UkrSibbank», number of individualsaccounts amounts to millions.
International recognition of reliability and transparency of the Banks financial transactions are proved by high international credit ratings.
One of the major worlds banking system, BNP Paribas, which owns 51% of shares in the Bank, is a strategic investor of «UkrSibbank».
International Company LLC AF «PriceWaterhouseCoopers (Auditand audit firm LLC «Ukrainian Audit Service» act as Banks auditors.
Closed joint stock company «Insurance Company «Ukrainian Insurance Alliance» is a general insurance company of JSCIB «UkrSibbank».

Banks Membership

" - Ukrainian Interbank Exchange Market (UIEM)
" - OJSC «Interregional Fund Union» (IFU)
" - Ukrainian Banks Association (UBA)
" - Authorized agent of American Express
" - Agent of Thomas Cook, Western Union
" - Kyiv Banking Union (KBU)
" - Crimean Interbank Exchange Market (CIEM)
" - First Stock Trading System (FSTS)
" - Kharkiv Banking Union (KhBU)
" - Individual Deposits Guarantee Fund
" - Principal member of MasterCard International
" - Principal member of VISA International
" - Ukrainian Taxpayers Association


* [ BNP Paribas]
* [ JSCIB «UkrSibbank»]
* [ Ukrainian banks financial results] (in ukrainian)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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