Gaius Fabricius Luscinus

Gaius Fabricius Luscinus

Gaius Fabricius Luscinus ("the one-eyed"), son of Gaius, was said to have been the first of the Fabricii to move to ancient Rome, his family originating from Aletrium (Livy ix. 43).

In 284 BC he was one of the ambassadors to Tarentum, successfully keeping the peace, and was elected consul in 282 BC, where he saved Thurii from the Sabellians. After the Romans were defeated by Pyrrhus at Heraclea, Fabricius negotiated peace terms with Pyrrhus and maybe the ransom and exchange of prisoners; Plutarch ("Pyrrhus" 18) reports that Pyrrhus was impressed by his inability to bribe Fabricius, and released the prisoners even without a ransom. Fabricius was consul a second time in 278 BC, and once again successful against the Samnites, Lucanians and Bruttians. He also defeated Tarentum's army after Pyrrhus departure from Italy to Sicily.

Fabricius was elected censor in 275 BC.

The tales of Fabricius are the standard ones of austerity and incorruptibility, similar to those told of Curius Dentatus, and Cicero often cites them together; it is difficult to make out a true personality behind the virtues.

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