- List of people from Chernivtsi
The Ukrainian city of
Chernivtsi ( _uk. Чернівці) is home to many people. The following is a list of people from Chernivtsi.Natives
Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter (1927-2007), a leading Yiddish linguist
*Aharon Appelfeld (b.1932), a Jewish writer
*Ninon Ausländer (1895-1966), art historian and wife ofHermann Hesse
*Rose Ausländer (1901–1988), a Jewish German-language writer
*Octav Botnar (1913–1998), a Romanian businessman, philanthropist, billionaire
*Paul Celan (born "Antschel"; 1920–1970), a Jewish German-language writer
*Erwin Chargaff (1905–2002), a Jewish biochemist
*Eugen Ehrlich (1862–1922), a Jewish jurist
*Roman Fichman , (1970-), prominent Israeli American Attorney
*Moysey Fishbeyn (1947-), a Ukrainian poet
*Maya Glazer (1984-), supermodel
*Alina Grosu , child singer
*Frederick (John) Kiesler (1890–1965), a theater designer, artist, theoretician and architect
*Ruth Klieger Aliav (born "Polishuk "; 1914–1979), a female Romanian-Israeli Jewish activist
*Eusebius Mandyczewski (1857–1929), a Ukrainian musicologist, composer (Greek Orthodox)
*Sasha Malchik
*Georg Marco (1863–1923), Austrian chess-player and author
*Jan Mikulicz-Radecki (1850–1905), a Polish surgeon
*Dan Pagis (1930–1986), an Israeli writer
*Traian Popovici (1892–1946), a Romanian lawyer, mayor of this city, and aRighteous Among the Nations ("Chasidey Umoth HaOlam")
*Markus Reiner (1886-1976), one of the founders ofrheology
*Gregor von Rezzori (born "d'Arezzo "; 1914–1998), a German-language writer of Sicilian-Austrian origin
*Joseph Schmidt (born in the vicinity; 1904–1942), a chazzan (tenor)
*Charles K. Bliss , (1897–1985), inventor ofBliss-Symbole
*Josef Burg , (*1912), last surviving Yiddish poet in Czernowitz
*Maria Forescu (1875–1943), Romanian opera singer and movie actress
*Joseph Gregor (1888–1960), dramatist and librettist
*Raimund Friedrich Kaindl , (1866-1930) historian of Bukovina, professor Franz-Josef University, Czernowitz (now the University of Chernivtsi)
*Friedrich Kiesler (1890–1965) architect and visionary
*Itzig Manger (1901–1969), Jewish writer, who wrote inYiddish
*Carol Miculi (1821, Lemberg –1892), Romanian (and Polish, Ukrainian, Armenian ancestry) pianist and composer, student ofFrédéric Chopin
*Anton Pawlowski (June 20, 1830 – April 28, 1901), Imperial and Royal Senior Government Building Officer, Commander of the Royal Romanian Order of the Crown, Honorary Master of the Alemannia Student (Duelling) Corps, etc.
*Michail Prodan (1912–2002),forester
*Walther Rode (1876–1934), writer, lawyer
*Ludwig Rottenberg (1864–1932), conductor and composer
*Ze'ev Sherf (1904-1984), Israeli Minister of Finance
*Elieser Steinbarg (1880–1932), Jewish writer, who wrote inYiddish
*Stefanie von Turetzki (1868–1929), founder of the first girls' grammar school inAustria–Hungary in Czernowitz
*Viorica Ursuleac (1894–1985), Romanian opera singer (dramatic soprano)
*James Immanuel Weissglas (1920–1979), Jewish translator andlyricist
*Arseniy Yatsenyuk (1974)
*Zvi Yavetz , (*1925), Israeli ancient historian
*Frederic Zelnik, an important German silent movie director-producer, was born in Czernowitz on May 17, 1885Residents
Antonin Borovec , "also" "Anton Borowetz" (1870–1925), Czechoslovakian diplomat in Czernowitz, Founder of the "Sozial innovativen Konzeptes für Witwen and Waisen." (Socially Innovative Concept for Widows and Orphans)
*Mihai Eminescu
*Karl Emil Franzos (1848–1904), Jewish writer and publicist, grew up in Czernowitz and wrote a literary memorial of the Jewish ghetto: "The Jews of Barnow"
*Gala Galaction , "originally" "GrigorePisculescu " (1879–1961), Romanian writer
*Ion Grămadă
*Friedrich Kleinwächter (1877–1959), economist, who studied in Czernowitz
*Alfred Margul-Sperber (1898–1967), Jewish poet and translator
*Andreas Mikulicz , architect
*Polesiuk-Padan Heinrich (1912-2004)advocate
*Ciprian Porumbescu
*Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957), Jewish psychoanalyst andsexologist , born inDobzau , went to school in Czernowitz
*Wojciech Rubinowicz
*Moses Rosenkranz (1904–2003), Jewish poet
*Josef Schmidt (1904 – 1942) singer and actor
*Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950), economist and Minister of Finance, 1909–1911 Professor in Czernowitz
*Wilhelm Stekel (1868–1940), Jewish psychoanalyst andsexologist , born inBoyan, Bukowina , grew up in Czernowitz and attended the Gymnasium (grammar school)
*Alexander Supan , geographer
*Constantin Tomaszczuk , Founder of the University of Czernowitz*
Hermann Bahr
*Nathan Birnbaum
*Charles K. Bliss
*Erwin Chargaff
*Yuriy Fedkovych
*Jacob Frank
*Ivan Franko
*Abraham Goldfaden , active here
*Zygmunt Gorgolewski
*Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi
*Volodymyr Ivasyuk
*Aron Pumnul
*Joseph Kalmer
*Olha Kobylyanska
*Zvi Laron
*Anastasiya Markovich (1979-), Художница, Lady Painter, Malerin, Artiste Peintre, Schilderes
*Miron Nicolescu , mathematician
*Ion Nistor
*Israel Polack
*Moyshe Altman (1890-1981), Yiddish writer
*Wilhelm Reich
*Eric Roll
*Sofia Rotaru
*Maximilien Rubel
*Hermann Scharf
*Fritz von Scholz *
Nazariy Yaremchuk
*Anna Berezovskaya
*Grigore Vasiliu Birlic
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