Revival of the Heresy Acts

Revival of the Heresy Acts

In November 1554, the Revival of the Heresy Acts revived three former Acts against heresy; the letters patent of 1382 of King Richard II, an Act of 1401 of King Henry IV, and an Act of 1414 of King Henry V. All three of these laws had been repealed under King Henry VIII and King Edward VI. [cite web |url= |title= Revival of the Heresy Acts, 1554 |accessdate=2007-07-05 |format= |work= ]

This Act reflects the concern for increased heresy and the lack of authority to deal with it.

It stated:

For the eschewing and avoiding of errors and heresies, which of late have risen, grown, and much increased within this realm, for that the ordinaries have wanted authority to proceed against those that were infected therewith: be it therefore ordained and enacted by authority of this present Parliament, that the statute made in the fifth year of the reign of King Richard II, concerning the arresting and apprehension of erroneous and heretical preachers, and one other statute made in the second year of the reign of King Henry IV, concerning the repressing of heresies and punishment of heretics, and also one other statute made in the second year of the reign of King Henry V, concerning the suppression of heresy and Lollardy, and every article, branch, and sentence contained in the same three several Acts, and every of them, shall from the twentieth day of January next coming be revived, and be in full force, strength, and effect to all intents, constructions, and purposes for ever.
[cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors=Henry Gee and William John Hardy (editors) |title=Documents Illustrative of English Church History |year=1914 |publisher=Macmillan |location=London |isbn= ]

This Act was repealed in 1559 by the Act of Supremacy.

ee also

* First Statute of Repeal


External links

* [ Apparent partial text of the Second Statute of Repeal]

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