- Electricity sector in Honduras
"Source": World Bank, 2007
The Electricity Coverage Index by department shows great disparities. Cortes and Islas de Bahia enjoy almost a 100% household coverage, while Lempira and Intibuca only have 24.6% and 36.2% coverage respectively. World Bank, 2007]
Electrification was programmed under the 1994 Electricity Law for the Electricity Sector through the creation of the Social Fund for Electricity Development (FOSODE). The Government has set a target to increase national electricity coverage to 80 percent by 2015, giving equal priority to urban and rural. So far, the outcome has been positive, with an increase in national coverage from 43 percent in 1994 to 69 percent in 2006. World Bank, 2007]
400,000 new connections are expected to be made by 2015. However, lack of financing has slowed grid development, causing it to lag behind demand. World Bank, 2007]
ervice quality
Interruption frequency and duration
Power outage duration is a measure of the reliability of supply to the distribution networks. This measure decreased for most regions in Honduras from 2001. However, in 2005, a general increase in the interruption duration happened. The total duration of interruptions per connection (36 hours per year in 2005, compared to 24 hours in 2004, but 135 hours in 1999 in the aftermath ofHurricane Mitch ) is about twice as high as the average for Latin America and the Caribbean (14 hours per connection in 2005). However, the frequency of such interruptions has been higher in other countries, meaning that Honduras has a few long outages, while other countries have more frequent shorter ones.World Bank, 2007]Distribution and transmission losses
In the period 2001-2006, electricity losses increased from about 20 percent to 25 percent, compared to 8% in Chile and almost 30% in Nicaragua. This relatively high level of losses is mostly due to theft, fraud, and illegal connections. A recent study estimated that technical losses are about 10 percent, which implies that current commercial losses are about 15 percent, 30 percent of which correspond to fraud, 29 percent to illegal settlements and 29 percent to billing errors. World Bank, 2007]
Transmission and sub-transmission investments keep being delayed due to financial constraints. This situation, if further sustained, would increase the frequency of blackouts and would make it hard to reduce operating costs and technical losses.(World Bank, 2007)]
Loss-reduction programs implemented during 2007 brought total losses down to 21.2%, 3.5% in transmission and 17.7% in distribution. [http://www.enee.hn/publicaciones.htm ENEE Statistics] ]
(See [http://info.worldbank.org/etools/lacelectricity/comparecountries.asp?scountries=1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9%2C10%2C11%2C12%2C13%2C14%2C26%2C15%2C16%2C17%2C18%2C19%2C20%2C21%2C22%2C23%2C24%2C25&indicator=15&iy=y&year=1995&gr1=1&gr3=1&selline= Distributional losses] for comparison with the rest of
LAC )Responsibilities in the electricity sector
Policy and regulation
De jure " situationThe Electricity Law of 1994 assigns the policymaking function to an Energy Cabinet chaired by the President of the Republic with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ("Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente", SERNA) as its Secretary and Coordinator. A regulatory agency, the "Comisión Nacional de Energía" (CNE), was created to take charge of, among other functions:
* Supervise power sales agreements to be signed by distribution companies;
* Approve standards related to service quality, reliability and safety;
* Monitor and enforce laws and standards;
* Approve tariffs and propose Average Short-TermMarginal cost s;
* Approve system expansion programs;
* Submit for approval to the Ministry of Environment power purchase and sales agreements thatENEE intends to sign. [ [http://www.cne.gob.hn CNE] ]"
De facto " situationThe Energy Cabinet has met less than once a year since its creation. Also, SERNA has not been proactive in its role as the Cabinet’s Secretary and Coordinator to set the agenda and to supply the technical groundwork for decisions. CNE has had a marginal role due to lack of political support and resources. As a result of this void at the cabinet level, the national utility
ENEE (" Empresa Nacional de Energia Electrica ") has become the default point for energy expertise, sought by the Government even in matters of policymaking and regulation, which contributes to a weak separation of roles among utility, regulatory agency and the ministry. World Bank, 2007]ENEE is governed by a Board of Directors, which is formed by the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment (SERNA), who chairs the Board; the Minister of Public Works, Transportation and Housing; the Minister of Finance; the Minister of Industry and Commerce; the Minister of Foreign Cooperation; and a representative of the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP).The Board appoints a General Manager, who acts as its Secretary but has no vote. World Bank, 2007]Generation
Under the 1994 Electricity Law, generation may be undertaken by State, mixed ownership, or private entities. These entities are entitled to sell power to large consumers or to
ENEE . As a result, private investors will mainly embark on new generation projects, including hydropower and alternative energy. World Bank, 2007]Every two years,
ENEE must submit to the Regulator system expansion plans (i.e. procurement of new generation capacity and transmission expansion), which are to be approved by the Energy Cabinet. World Bank, 2007]By law,
ENEE has the mandate of prioritizing renewable-based generation when determining the optimal expansion plan. The condition is that thenet present value of sequence including renewable-based generation must not exceed by more than 10 percent that of the least-cost expansion plan. World Bank, 2007]Private electricity generators using renewable energy have formed a National Association - Asociación de Productores de Energía Renovable de Honduras (APERH) - to promote the use of renewable energy.
Transmission networks are, by law, subject to an “open access” rule. Transmission networks can be built and owned by public, private, or mixed ownership operating enterprises. However, in practice
ENEE is responsible for transmission and System Operations through its Dispatch Center, which determines the system’s hourly marginal cost of generation.In the case of isolated systems, the main generator is responsible of operating the transmission system and handling dispatch.
De jure " situationThe 1994 Law mandated
ENEE to divide its distribution network by regions. The partition, which was to be approved byENEE , would be followed by the sale of those networks to cooperatives, municipalities, worker’s associations, other similar types of groups, or to private companies, always subject to approval by the National Congress. The Law established that electricity distribution was to be carried out “in priority” by private companies under a concession regime. Distributors need to have a valid supply contract with generators for at least five years duration (however, the law does not mandate a minimum quantity). World Bank, 2007]"
De facto " situationThe unbundling and
privatization of the distribution network in Honduras has failed:ENEE continues its operations as a vertically integrated state-owned enterprise, being the "de facto " sole buyer, responsible for procuring all the new energy required to meet demand. World Bank, 2007]Renewable energy resources & energy efficiency
Renewable energy
In Honduras, there is great potential of untapped indigenous
renewable energy resources. Due to the likely long-term trend of high oil prices, such resources could be developed at competitive prices. However, except for the large hydro projects, the potential for the development of renewable energy is yet to be explored. (World Bank, 2007)]The renewable energy use and potential in Honduras - hydro, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal - is described in more detail in the article
Renewable energy in Honduras .Energy efficiency
Honduras has a very large potential for developing
energy efficiency programs. Large improvements could be made in the areas of air conditioning for both the residential and commercial sectors, where the implementation of measures in the area of demand management and the rational use of energy could prevent unplanned blackouts. World Bank, 2007]Some progress has been made recently under the "Generación Autónoma y Uso Racional de Energía Eléctrica" ( [http://www.uegauree2.org/acerca.0.html GAUREE] ) project, financed by the European Union between 2000 and 2007. The GAUREE 2 project aims at increasing the use of energy-efficient
Compact fluorescent lamp s (CFLs), lowering the consumption of energy by 50 million kW·h per year. The plan of action includes giving away, in a three-phased operation, a free 20 W CFL bulb to 800,000 households (the majority of Honduran households still use inefficient 60 W, 75 W, and 100 W bulbs). World Bank, 2007]The Inter-Institutional Group for the Efficient Use of Energy (GIURE) has set out a plan with the objective of reducing national electricity demand by 100 MW in 2008. This would entail an 8 percent reduction of the maximum demand forecast by
ENEE . Some of the main activities included in GIURE’s program are: promotion of gas stove use, use of clean development mechanisms (CDM), educational campaigns, efficiency in he industrial and commercial sectors, etc. World Bank, 2007]Overview of sector history and current events
Phase I: Monopoly and hydro-based expansion
ENEE ("Empresa Nacional de Energia Electrica") was created in 1957 by Decree 48, the "Ley Constitutiva de la Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica"—the Constitutive Law. Its mandate was to promote the country’s electrification through the study, construction and operation of electrification works, government representation in any company in which the Government was a shareholder, and to provide assistance to any private generator or distributor that would require it. (World Bank, 2007)]In its initial two and a half decades, the expansion of
ENEE was boosted by the technical and financial support of the international financial organizations. Hydroelectric projects abounded and the transmission network expanded to incorporate all economically active areas of the country into the national grid, which was interconnected with Nicaragua (1976), Costa Rica (1982) and Panama (1986). The largest project, the hydroelectric plant of [http://www.enee.hn/Represa_FM.htm|El Cajón] (300 MW) on the Rio Comayagua in Central Honduras was commissioned in 1985. At that time Honduras had an installed capacity of 560 MW and a peak demand of only 220 MW. [ [http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=421426 Interamerican Development Bank Rural Electrification, p. 2] ]The demand growth projections did not materialize, which left the country with a large excess capacity and
ENEE with a heavy debt burden. As a result, the existing thermal power plants were not well maintained. When demand eventually caught up and a severe drought occurred, many of the thermal plants were inoperational, leading to a severe energy crisis in 1993. (World Bank, 2007)]Phase II: 1994 Electricity Law and the resurgence of fossil fuels
1994 Electricity Law
The 1994 new Electricity Law, passed under the administration of President
Carlos Roberto Reina , was born as a response to the crisis. It contained the provisions for the establishment of a competitive power market (vertical unbundling, freedom of entry to all sector activities, open access to transmission and distribution networks, and freedom of choice for large users); the separation of the roles of policymaking, regulation, and provision of electricity services; application of cost-recovery tariffs and targeted subsidies; and private provision of electricity services. (World Bank, 2007)]The establishment of the new competitive market failed: the distribution networks were not unbundled and privatized, and
ENEE continued operating as a vertically integrated state-owned enterprise that maintained its central role in energy planning and policy making. In addition, the principles of cost covering tariffs and targeted subsidies were not properly implemented due both to inadequate political commitment and to an important dependency on imported oil for power generation, which led to high and volatile generation prices that were not passed on to retail tariffs. (World Bank, 2007)]In the 1990s, thermoelectric generation has come to lead a system that was dominated by hydropower:
Hydropower plant capacity has gone from 90 percent to only 30 percent. The reasons for this shift are twofold. First, hydroelectric development became more expensive when funding through interest-free loans for its development fromInternational financial institution s was cut. Second, the lower risks and shorter maturity of thermal generation projects, as perceived by private investors, directed generation expansion towards the use ofheavy fuel oil and medium speed diesels.The emergence of Independent Power Producers
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) that
ENEE has signed withIndependent Power Producer s running fossil fuel power plants now account for the majority of energy generation in Honduras. According to the Interamerican Development Bank, these PPAs were "expensive and with clauses that made them very inflexible". [ [http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=421426 Interamerican Development Bank Rural Electrification, p.3] ]As early as in 1993, during the government of
Rafael Leonardo Callejas (1990-1994), ENEE signed its first Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with an Independent Power Producer (IPP) for the provision of thermal energy. The contract was signed with Electricidad de Cortés (Elcosa) for a period of 17 years. One year later,Carlos Roberto Reina (1994-1998) approved two giant 10-year contracts for Empresa de Mantenimiento, Construcción y Electricidad (EMCE), which itself belongs to the Honduran Terra group, and the Honduran energy company Luz y Fuerza de San Lorenzo (Lufussa). EMCE and Lufussa managed to sign new contracts with the government ofCarlos Flores (1998-2002), which included tax exemptions for up to five years and the payment of fixed and variable charges, the former independently of whether energy was actually being produced, as it is typically the case in Power Purchase Agreements.The government of
Ricardo Maduro (2002-2006) signed two more 12-year contracts with Enersa - partners of EMCE - and Lufussa. [ [http://www.elheraldo.hn/nota.php?nid=37782&sec=2&fecha=2005-09-21 El Heraldo September 21, 2005, accessed on September 18, 2007] ] However, in November 2002, quickly signed another 12-year contract for US$477 million with the Honduran subsidiary ofAES Corporation , under which AES Honduras was to supply some 200 megawatts of power. In September 2003 ENEE canceled that contract as well, because the provider allegedly failed to fulfill certain clauses and was behind schedule. [ [http://www.forbes.com/business/newswire/2003/09/13/rtr1080955.html Reuters, accessed on September 18, 2007] ]Phase III: Renewable energy promotion and a comeback of hydropower
Under the Presidency of
Carlos Flores , decrees No. 85-98 and 267-98 were approved in 1998 by the Honduras Congress with the aim of promoting the development of renewable energy-generating plants. The new legislation includes tax breaks to developers and a secure buyer arrangement for energy at prices equivalent to the system’s short-termmarginal cost .ENEE , which is the default buyer, must pay a premium (10 percent of the same short-run marginal cost) for the electricity generated when the installed capacity is below 50 MW. This framework has facilitated the negotiation of about 30 public-private partnerships with ENEE for small renewable energy plants. In addition, Decree No. 85-98 also establishes tax exemptions in favor of developers: import and sales taxes on equipment, and a five-year income tax holiday. (World Bank, 2007)]The government considers renewable resources as a vital element of its strategy to diversify energy supply, reduce vulnerability to external shocks, and mitigate the environmental impacts of energy production. (World Bank, 2007)] The development of large hydropower projects and the provision of further incentives for grid-connected renewable projects are the present priorities of the government in the renewable energy sector. The penetration of renewable energy technologies into rural electrification programs is still limited and most of the rural electrification activities are grid extensions. (World Bank, 2007)]
According to the World Bank, the potential for the development of off-grid and small renewable sources largely unexploited, due to a lack of incentives and clear and consistent policy framework. (World Bank, 2007)]
Current events
Regional integration, the SIEPAC project
In 1995, after almost a decade of preliminary studies, the Central American governments, the government of
Spain and theInter-American Development Bank agreed to the execution of theSIEPAC project. This project aims at the electric integration of the region. Feasibility studies showed that the creation of a regional transmission system would be very positive for the region and lead to a reduction in electricity costs and to improvements in the continuity and reliability of supply. In 1996, the six countries (Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador) signed the Framework Treaty for the Electricity Market in Central America. [http://www.eprsiepac.com/ SIEPAC project] ]The design of the Regional Electricity Market (MER) was done in 1997 and approved in 2000. MER is an additional market superimposed on the existing six national markets, with a regional regulation, in which the agents authorized by the Regional Operational Body (EOR) carry out international electricity transactions in the region. As for the infrastructure, EPR ("Empresa Propietaria de la Red S.A.") is in charge of the design, engineering, and construction of about 1,800 km of 230kV transmission lines. [http://www.eprsiepac.com/ SIEPAC project] ] The project is expected to be operational by the end of 2008 [http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Central_America/Electricity.html Energy Information Administration] ] .
(For a map of the regional transmission line, see [http://www.eprsiepac.com/ruta_siepac_transmision_costa_rica.htm SIEPAC] )
Operation scissor
In February 2007,
ENEE initiated program to reduce arrears and commercial losses under the heading "Operación Tijera" (Operation “Scissor”). It entails coordinated action from all Ministries and government agencies aiming to cut service (a) to delinquent clients, and (b) to any users detected during the operation with irregular service connections or with meters that had been tampered with. According to press reports, the operation has led to an instantaneous increase in collections. [ [http://www.elheraldo.hn/nota.php?nid=68996&sec=12&fecha=2007-02-27 El Heraldo] ]Declaration of Emergency
In June 2007, President
Manuel Zelaya declared an "energy emergency" in order to buy additional electricity and to overcome the country's energy crisis. The Minister of Defense is charged with resolving the crisis, and was put, together with the Minister of Finance, at the Head of an "Intervention Board" of ENEE. The mandate of the "Intervention Board" has been extended until October 2008.Tariff increase
In an attempt to address ENEE's delicate financial situation, the government intends to raise tariffs for certain consumers, those whose bills are the highest. This increase, which will bring tariffs closer to costs, would not affect residential users whose consumption is below 100kWh. [ [http://www.latribuna.hn/news/47/ARTICLE/23194/2007-12-09.html La Tribuna, December 9 2007] ] A 16% tariff increase for fuel adjustement was alrady applied in January 2008. According to the new manager of ENEE, an additional 11% adjustement will be applied in May. The overall target, established in the "Financial Plan for the Strengthening of ENEE" is for tariffs to have increased by 27% at the end of 2008. [ [http://www.elheraldo.hn/ez/index.php/plain_site_user/ediciones/2008/04/29/en_mayo_subiran_la_tarifas_electricas El Heraldo, April 29 2008] ]
Tariffs, cost recovery and subsidies
According to the law, a tariff reflecting generation and transmission costs would be the regulated power price for distributors. The tariff, to be published in the official Gazette in order to become effective, had to be calculated yearly by the generators and approved by the regulator, who would also decide on any subsequent adjustments to it. However, ENEE has failed to apply this 1994 Law’s provision for the calculation and implementation of cost-covering tariffs and of focalized subsidies. (World Bank, 2007)]
Residential, commercial and industrial tariffs
Average tariffs for industrial and commercial consumers already cover economic costs and are one of the highest in the region. However, the average tariff for the residential category is 60 percent of the economic cost of supply, and only 54 percent after deducting the Government’s direct subsidy. (World Bank, 2007)]
Households consuming less than 100 kW·h per month pay a tariff which only covers 22 percent of cost, while those consuming between 0 and 300 kW·h—84 percent of all residential clients—only pay 39 percent of cost. Even clients consuming more than 500 kW·h per month pay only 82 percent of the cost of supply. Tariffs for municipalities are equivalent to about 77 percent of cost. The table below shows the average cost of supply and the current final price (after direct subsidy) for the different users: (World Bank, 2007)]
"Source": World Bank, 2007
By way of comparison, the weighted average residential tariff in Latin America and the Caribbean at the end of 2005 was US$ 0.115 per kW·h, while the industrial weighted average was US$ 0.107 per kW·h. Clearly, residential tariffs in Honduras are below the regional average. [http://info.worldbank.org/etools/lacelectricity/home.htm Benchmarking data of the electricity distribution sector in Latin America and Caribbean Region 1995-2005] ]
Cost recovery
The overall result of the distortions in the tariff structure is that just 81 percent of economic costs of supply are covered, leading to a financial situation that is not sustainable in the short term and that could lead the country to face a severe energy crisis by 2010. (World Bank, 2007)]
Direct subsidies and cross subsidies
A direct
subsidy was established in 1994 to compensate for any tariff increase to eligible residential users (those that consume less than 300 kW·h per month). In the period (2001-2005), the Government paid about US$ 75.6 million in direct tariff subsidies to residential consumers. World Bank, 2007]The explicit cross-subsidy incorporated in the current tariff does not respect the caps set by the 1994 Electricity Law as it has benefited most residential consumers, making the compensatory surcharges to other consumer categories (i.e. commercial and industrial) also exceed the mandated limits. Also, the generalized subsidy and the direct subsidy paid by the Government are poorly targeted and regressive. Non-poor consumers (i.e. those consuming above 150 kW·h/month), have been the most benefited by the cross-subsidy as they currently pay between 50 and 80 percent of economic costs. This has resulted in one of the lowest residential tariffs in the region and also to a high consumption (about 200 kW·h per month in residential use). This figure doubles the average residential use in El Salvador and Guatemala, whose per capita income is more than double that of Honduras. Inefficient interfuel substitution is another result of low electricity prices, particularly for cooking and water heating, since electricity, although a more inefficient and economically expensive option, is cheaper for the consumer than, for instance, liquefied petroleum gas (
LPG ). World Bank, 2007]Investment and financing
Investments in the sector are carried out by
ENEE , the Social Electriciation Fund FOSODE and the private sector. ENEE has no self-financing capacity and virtually no capacity to take on new debt or other financial obligations such as those arising from Power Purchase Agreements. The poor financial health of ENEE thus casts doubt on its ability to finance the planned major investments in new generation capacity.Investment by sub-sector
In the period 1997-2006,
ENEE has invested about US$ 189 million in its activities, the areas that have receive the largest amount of funds being distribution and transmission. [ [http://www.enee.hn/Estadisticas2006/ ENEE, Estadisticas 2006] ]Financing
Private developers
Between 1994 and 2006, private developers have invested some US$600 million in about 800 MW of medium speed diesel and
gas turbine capacity. Private investors have also invested about US$70 million in 110 MW of small hydro- andbagasse -fired capacity. Reliance on the private sector has become the norm for generation capacity expansion.World Bank, 2007]hort-term credit
Distribution and transmission investment by
ENEE has been partially financed with expensive revolving loans from local banks and credits from thermal generators on the payment of energy purchases that amounted to US$ 124 million in 2003–05. Debt service coverage and contribution to investments have been negative during the past five years. World Bank, 2007]Concessionary funding
As explained in more detail in the section on external assistance further below, concessionary funding by international donors is currently directed only at rural electrification, new
renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency.The largest investments in
rural electrification have been made by FOSODE, which has been successful in raising international aid funds (both concessionary loans and grants), which complement the budgetary resources that the Government provides every year as required by law. The Fund receives additional financing from fees that municipalities impose on electricity companies in their jurisdiction. Between 1995 and 2006, FOSODE invested US$91.4 million in rural electrification. World Bank, 2007]Tax exemptions
The electricity sector enjoys several tax exemptions: import tax exemptions for fuels used by ENEE and other power companies for electricity generation, import and
sales tax es on equipment and materials for rural electrification projects, import taxes on equipment and materials for power plants using renewable energy sources, and sales tax on electricity sales. According to the World Bank, the total average annual tax exemptions are estimated at about US$ 108 million, mostly fuel taxes (US$ 64.8 million) and sales taxes on electricity consumption (US$ 37.8 million). World Bank, 2007]ummary of private participation in the electricity sector
Although the 1994 Electricity Law contained the provisions for the establishment of a competitive power market (vertical unbundling, freedom of entry to all sector activities, open access to transmission and distribution networks, and freedom of choice for large users); ENEE has continued operating as a vertically integrated state-owned enterprise with total control over transmission and distribution.
As for generation, Independent Power Producers (IPPs) started to sign Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with ENEE as early as 1993. Today, IPPs account for over 60% of generation capacity, most of it thermal, in Honduras.
Electricity sector and the environment
Responsibility for the environment
SERNA, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, holds the responsibility in environmental issues, including climate change. This government agency is in a weak position due, among other reasons, to limited budgets and to the weakness of the civil service system. Also, the Ministry staff faces a total turnover whenever a new government takes over (i.e. every four years), which slows down its operations. World Bank, 2007]
Greenhouse gas emissions
[http://www.olade.org/ OLADE] (Organización Latinoamericana de Energía) estimates that CO2 emissions from electricity production in 2003 were 1.51 million tons of CO2, which represents 24 percent of total emissions from the energy sector [ [http://www.olade.org/informe.html Organización Latinoamericana de Energía OLADE] ]
Other data (2004) report emissions of 6.04 MtCO2 from consumption and flaring of fossil fuels, which corresponds to 0.86 tCO2 per capita (Central and South America average: 2.35 tons) [ [http://www.eia.doe.gov/environment.html US Energy Information Agency] ] .
Clean Development Mechanism projects in electricity
According to its promoter, Finnder, the small hydropower project "Rio Blanco" (50 MW) was the first small
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) registered in the World, with the first Certified Emission Reductions awarded in October 2005. [ [http://regserver.unfccc.int/seors/file_storage/43qybqrxczeqmo5.pdf UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Finnder] ] Currently, there are elevenCDM -registered projects related to electricity generation in Honduras. Nine of those projects are hydro plants, which represent 80% (177,636 tCO2e) of the total estimated annual emissions reductions. The two remaining projects are one oncogeneration and another one onbiogas recovery and electricity generation. [ [http://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/index.html UN Framework Convention on Climate Change] ]External assistance
Concessionary loans and grants from
international financial institution s and bilateral donors in the Honduran energy sector are focused onrural electrification ,energy efficiency andnew renewable energy . This type of financing is limited. None of the current donor-funded projects supports large hydropower development, expansion of fossil energy generation and major investments in transmission, which are necessary to ensure that supply keeps up with demand and to maintain service quality.World Bank
Currently, the
World Bank is contributing funds and assistance through three projects related to the energy sector in Honduras:* A US$ 2.35m
Global Environmental Facility (GEF) project for rural electrification approved in December 2005 and implemented by the Honduran Social Fund (FHIS) [http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P090113 Rural Electrification]
* A [http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=64193027&piPK=64187937&theSitePK=523679&menuPK=64187510&searchMenuPK=64187287&theSitePK=523679&entityID=000160016_20060309094050&searchMenuPK=64187287&theSitePK=523679 Rural Infrastructure Project] financed by a US$47m IDA credit and approved in December 2005. The project is also implemented by FHIS and is partially integrated with the GEF grant mentioned above.
* A US$ project for US$1.4m Carbon Emission Reduction Credits approved in December 2004 to support the construction of the [http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P088256 " La Esperanza " hydro power plant] , a 12 MW run of the river plant on the Intibuca River by a private developer called CISA (Consorcio de Inversiones S.A.).Inter-American Development Bank
Currently, the Inter-American Development Bank is contributing funds and assistance to the following projects in the energy sector in Honduras:
* An [http://www.iadb.org/projects/Project.cfm?project=HO-L1019&Language=English Energy Sector Support Loan] supported through a US$29 million credit approved in September 2008. This project will finance priority investments in transmission and support a program for reducing losses.
* A [http://www.iadb.org/projects/Project.cfm?project=HO0224&Language=English Rural Electrification project] supported through a US$35m credit approved in November 2004 and implemented by ENEE, and
* A [http://www.iadb.org/projects/Project.cfm?project=HO-T1004&Language=English geothermal feasibility study in Platanares]The IDB has also financed an advanced pre-
feasibility study for the Patuca 3 large hydroelectric project. [ [http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=421426 IDB Rural Electrificaton, p. 5] ]European Union
Between 2000 and 2007, the European Union (EU) has financed the "Generación Autónoma y Uso Racional de Energía Eléctrica" (GAUREE) project, which aims at increasing the use of energy-efficient CFLs. The total cost of the project is Euro 6.68 million (US$ 9.06 million), with a total contribution from the EU of Euro 5 million (US$ 6.785 million) [ [http://www.uegauree2.org/acerca.0.html EU] ]
Electrification projects have also been carried out with resources from the
Central American Bank for Economic Integration ("Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica"), and with cooperation from countries like Finland, Japan, Korea, and Norway. In addition, there is an agreement in place with the "Fondo Cafetero Nacional" (FCN) for the electrification of coffee-producing regions. (World Bank, 2007)]The President of the CBEI announced in July 2007 that the Bank would provide "strong" financing, consisting of a "first disbursement" of US$ 100 million. The funds would be invested in transmission lines, which - according to the CBEI President - would generate sufficient cash flow to repay the loan. [ [http://www.laprensahn.com/ediciones/2007/07/05/enee_y_bcie_negocian_millonario_prestamo La Prensa, July 5, 2007] ]
*World Bank, 2007. Honduras. Power Sector Issues and Options.
ee also
Empresa Nacional de Energia Electrica
*Renewable energy in Honduras
*Water supply and sanitation in Honduras References
External links
* [http://www.enee.hn ENEE]
* [http://www.cne.gob.hn CNE]
* [http://www.serna.gob.hn SERNA]
* [http://www.nrel.gov/wind/pdfs/honduras.pdf Wind potential in Honduras]
* [http://www.na.unep.net/ms_demo2/swera/honduras/honduras.html?]
* [http://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/index.html CDM projects]
* [http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=217672&piPK=95916&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=223661&category=regcountries®ioncode=7&countrycode=HN World Bank projects in Honduras]
* [http://www.iadb.org/projects/index.cfm?language=English IADB projects in Honduras]
* [http://www.iaea.org/inisnkm/nkm/aws/eedrb/data/HN-enemc.html Honduras Energy Statistics at IAEA]
* [http://realserver.worldbank.org/wbimm/lacelectricity/home.htm Benchmarking data of the electricity distribution sector in the Latin American and Caribbean Region 1995-2005]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.