

:"This article is about the kibbutz; for the fighter aircraft see IAI Lavi."Infobox_Kibbutz
kibbutz_name = Lavi
foundation = 1949
founded_by = Religious youths
region = Lower Galilee
industry = Agriculture, carpentry, tourism
affiliation = Religious Kibbutz Movement
website = []

Lavi ( _he. לביא, lit. "Lion") is a kibbutz in the Lower Galilee area of Israel. It is a member of the Religious Kibbutz Movement.

Located 310 meters above sea level and 10 minutes from Tiberias, it falls under the jurisdiction of Lower Galilee Regional Council.


The kibbutz was founded in 1949 by a religious youth organization from from England - part of them were amongst the 10,000 Jewish children of the refugees whom were brought to the United Kingdom from Germany as part of the Kindertransports of 1930s.

The kibbutz was founded on land of the Arab village of Lubya, depopulated during 1948 by the Hagana forces. The source of the name "Lavi" and "Lubia" is from the ancient Lavi village which existed in the days of the Mishnah and Talmud, in which there was an inn called "Lavi", on the way from Tiberias to Tzippori.

In 2005, 770 people live in the kibbutz.


The kibbutz main branches are in different types of agriculture, a unique carpentry workshop which does exclusive work on furniture for synagogues and an hotel which mainly serves the religious and orthodox population.

The village also has an elementary state-religious school, which serves other villages in the Regional Council. The children of junior high and high school age study at the "Shaked" school which is located in Sde Eliahu. In addition to the school there is also a religious boarding school called "Hodayot" next to the kibbutz.

Adjacent tourism sites include Lavi forest, Hittin, Nabi Shoaib (a site which is believed by many to be the burial site of Jethro, and is sacred to the Druze, who celebrate there the Shoaib Festival each April).

External links

* [ Official website]

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