Jebediah Guthrie

Jebediah Guthrie


character_name=Jeb Guthrie
real_name=Jebediah "Jeb" Guthrie
species=Human Mutant
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Rom" Annual #3
creators= Bill Mantlo
William Johnson
powers=Electrical discharge|

Jeb Guthrie is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Comics universe. He first appeared in" Rom Annual #3". Is one more mutant of Guthrie family, like Samuel (Cannonball), Paige (Husk), Melody (Aero) and Jay (Icarus).

Jeb's mutant power was to project focused electrical fire as beams from his eyes.

Fictional character biography

Jeb's father Thomas died when Jeb was very young. He develops what is commonly called 'black lung' due to working in the local coal mines.

Jeb has not joined any of the X-teams but has already had to deal with fallout from their problems. His house has been severely damaged by an attack from the Phalanx when they came to take his sister Paige. She survives this attack. Jay, not in his right mind, is killed by the anti-mutant forces of the insane William Stryker.

The Guthries have to deal with anti-mutant prejudice in their hometown, because of the large amount of mutants in their family.

It has been shown that Jeb has lost his powers following M-Day.

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