Low Cost Autonomous Attack System

Low Cost Autonomous Attack System

The Low Cost Autonomous Attack System (LOCAAS). In 1998 the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army Lockheed Martin began to examine the feasibility of a small, affordable cruise missile weapon for use against armoured and unarmoured vehicles, materiel and personnel, and if so develop a demonstration program [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/locaas.htm Low Cost Autonomous Attack System - Global Security] ] . The program has cost approx. $150,000,000 so far; the cost per unit is calculated to be $30,000 based on a production of 12,000 units.

After being launched from a weapon platform, it is guided by GPS/INS to the target general area, where it can loiter. A laser radar (LIDAR or LADAR) illuminates the targets, determines their range, and matches their 3-D geometry with pre-loaded signatures. The LOCAAS system then selects the highest priority target and the the warhead's mode for the best effect. [ [http://www.afrlhorizons.com/Briefs/Jun02/MN0205.html Powered Low-Cost Autonomous Attack System - US Air Force Research Laboratory] ]

It is part of the Small Bomb System (SBS) program.


* Weight: 100 lb
* Length: 36 in
* Speed: 200 knots
* Search altitude: 750 feet
* Footprint: 25 nm² (86 km²)
* Motor: 30-pound (130 N) thrust class turbojet.
* Range: >100 nm (190 km)
* Loiter time: 30 min max.
* Guidance: GPS/INS with LADAR terminal seeker
* Warhead: 7.7 kg (17 lb) multi-mode explosively formed projectile (long rod penetrator, aerostable slug or fragmentation) [ [http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/locaas.html Lockheed Martin LOCAAS - Designation Systems] ]

ee also

* Vertical Launch Autonomous Attack System (VLAAS)
* Surveilling Miniature Attack Cruise Missile


External links

* [http://www.defense-update.com/products/l/locaas.htm Low Cost Autonomous Attack System - Defense Update]

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