

Infobox Software
name = Sandboxie

caption = Sandboxie 3.30
collapsible =
author =
developer = Ronen Tzur
released =
latest release version = 3.30
latest release date = release date|2008|09|02
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
frequently updated =
programming language =
operating system = Microsoft Windows
platform =
size =
language =
status =
genre =
license =
website = []

Sandboxie is a sandbox-type isolation software for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It creates a "container" in which programs can be safely launched without modifying the host's OS. [ [ Product website] ]

Sandboxie is developed by Ronen Tzur, an independent computer scientist. [ [ Product website] ]

Sandboxie does not run under the 64-bit editions of Windows Vista and Server 2008. [ [ Product website] ]


Sandboxie can be used free of charge for as long as desired, with an option to pay a one-time charge for upgraded features. [ [ Product website] ]


Sandboxie is active upstream from any infections which may occur in computers equipped with a Windows OS. This software isolates navigation files and applications functions which it redirects into a sandbox.

Downloaded files such as scripts and other programs are locked in replicas of the directories normally used. Sandboxie uses a copy of the Windows Registry in order to protect the original from malicious insertions.

The modifications carried out under the protections of Sandboxie are not effective in authentic files. Parasites and bugs that are locked in it do not affect the operating system. Any new files or changes which are to be kept should be registered outside the sandbox after having checked their validity.

In the same way, any type of malware elements are confined into the container. Furthermore, Sandboxie, from the zone that it controls, does not allow any injection into the kernel of Windows (software driver, DLL ...). Thus, it acts in a similar way but at a different level to the Kernel Patch Protection system on x64 editions of Windows and prevents the running within it of any software in supervisor mode, be it malicious or not.

Certain programs are prohibited from being executed from within Sandboxie, due to their nature of moving in irreplaceable data that is trapped within Sandboxie. One such program is Outlook Express. Any MAILTO calls to this program from within the sandbox are blocked. Also, programs that generate automatic keyboard or mouse data, such as mouse movers and fake surfers, are blocked. These programs may inadvertently shut down a Sandboxie session or invoke an instance of a program that is not sandboxed. Because of this, games created with the 3D engine DarkBASIC are blocked from executing from within the sandbox due to its method of internal DirectX data management.


External links

* [ Official site]
* [ How To Surf More Securely] (Ian "Gizmo" Richards).
* [ Le principe du bac à sable] (Infomars)
* [ Sandboxie] Description, use and tests (Txon)
* [ Navigare su Internet in tutta sicurezza con Sandboxie] (Gianni Amato)
* An alternative tool
* An alternative tool
* An alternative tool

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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