Puschkin vodka

Puschkin vodka

Infobox Beverage
name= Puschkin

type= Vodka
manufacturer= Puschkin International
origin= Germany
introduced= 1929
proof= 75
related= List of vodkas

Puschkin was first produced in 1929 by a German company named Koenig and Schliche. Although little known outside Germany (where it is the second biggest Vodka brand after 'Gorbatschow'), Pusckin Vodka is easily identifiable by means of its unique bottle design and has created a precedent in the international vodka market due to the unique flavours of some of its products. It is named after the Russian national poet Alexander Pushkin.

It is currently produced and distributed outisde Germany by drinks manufacturer Puschkin International, a branch of Berentzen, which acquired the brand in 1990. Prior to the take-over, Puschkin was available only as a plain vodka. This has been retained, and six additional flavoured versions have since been created, most of which have their own innovative titles. 'Black Sun' was first produced in 1994 as a blackberry-flavoured vodka, followed by 'Red Sky' (Blood Orange) in 1996. Subsequently, two more distinctive flavours have been released: 'Time Warp' (Exotic fruits) and 'Pink Star' (Cranberry). Since then, a further two types have come into being: Lime and Mango.

Puschkin vodka is distilled from grain, potatoes and molasses. The flavoured versions are around 17% in strength depending on type, while the original is 37.5%. All brands are produced in 1000ml bottles, unique in shape, consisting of angled flat edges in certain places.

External links

* [http://www.puschkin.de/] Puschkin Germany
* [http://www.puschkin.nl/] Puschkin Holland

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