Foch (R 99)

Foch (R 99)

"Foch" (R 99) was the second "Clemenceau" class aircraft carrier. She was the second warship named in honour of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, after a heavy cruiser commissioned in 1932, and scuttled in Toulon on 27 November 1942.

After a 37-year career in the French navy, on 15 November 2000, she was sold to the Brazilian Navy, and renamed "São Paulo". In the French Navy, she was succeeded by "Charles de Gaulle"".

Combat History

1977 F-8 Crusaders from 14.F squadron on the Foch participated in the Saphir missions over Djibouti. On 7 May 1977, two Crusaders went separately on patrol against supposedly French Air Force (4/11 Jura squadron) F-100 Super Sabres stationed at Djibouti. The leader intercepted two fighters and engaged a dogfight (supposed to be a training exercise) but quickly called his wingman for help as he had actually engaged two Yemeni MiG-21 Fishbeds. The two French fighters switched their master armament to "on" but, ultimately, everyone returned to their bases. This was the only combat interception by French Crusaders.

1983-1984, the ship was sent to Lebanon for combat operations during the civil war with an air wing consisting of six F-8 Crusaders, fifteen Super-Etendards, three Etendard IVPs, five Br 1050 Alizés and six SA-321G Super-Frelons. [ [ foch ] ] She would rotate with the Clemenceau providing constant on station air support to French peacekeepers.

In October 1984, France sent the Foch for operation Mirmillon off the coast of Libya,in response to tension in the Gulf of Sidra.]

She was involved in Yugoslavian War between July and August 1993, February, March 1994, February, from May to July 1994 in support of UN operations.

Popular culture

"Foch" was featured as fighting in the Battle of the Atlantic in Tom Clancy's 1986 novel, "Red Storm Rising", which detailed a conventionally-fought Third World War between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. In this book, the ship was destroyed and is reported to have at least 40 F-8E(FN) Crusader fighters on board.

"Foch" was also featured in the 1995 film "Crimson Tide".

See also

* List of aircraft carriers
* List of ship launches in 1960
* List of ship commissionings in 1963
* List of ship decommissionings in 2000


External links

* [ CV Foch] Aircraft Carrier Foch on Alabordache fr icon

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