SSS may stand for:

* Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, or Saffir-Simpson Scale, a system for measuring intensity of tropical cyclones
* Same Store Sales, a measure to gauge the development of retail revenues
* Satellite Syndicated Systems, a company that provided distribution of data via communications satellite
* SATS Security Services, provider of security services for aviation-related activities at the Singapore Changi Airport
* Saunders Secondary School, a high school in London, Ontario, Canada
* Scotopic sensitivity syndrome, or Irlens syndrome, a visual disorder
* Sea Scout Ship, part of the Sea Scouting program
* Sport Searching School, the fictional school from "Sport Ranger"
* Second sound shift
* Selective Service System, the United States military conscription program
* Sega Soccer Slam
* Senior Staff Sergeant, a rank in the Singapore Police Force
* Sensation-Seeking Scale, Zuckerman's Sensation-Seeking Scale.
* Server-side scripting
* Short Sharp Shock, a crossover thrash band from Liverpool, UK.
* Short Stack Strategy, a strategy in poker
* Siding Spring Survey, a Near-Earth Object search program based Siding Spring Observatory, N.S.W., Australia
* Sick sinus syndrome, an abnormality of heart rhythm
* Sign Supported Speech, a combination of sign language and English speech
* Sigma Sigma Sigma, a U.S. sorority
* Sigue Sigue Sputnik, a pop group
* Silent sinus syndrome, a collapse of the maxillary sinus and orbital floor associated with negative sinus pressures.
* Simplified Spelling Society, an organization which promotes English spelling reform
*Singapore Sports School
* Singlehanded Sailing Society, a shorthanded sailboat racing organization in the San Francisco bay
* Sneaky Sound System, an Australian pop/dance group.
* Soccer-specific stadium, a sports stadium whose primary (but not only) purpose is to host soccer matches
* Social Security System
* "Solid State Survivor", an album by Yellow Magic Orchestra
* [ South Side Savvy] , a team of two Canadian Artists who sell original artwork, prints, and also do affordable custom artwork.
* Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer Street Station), a major railway station in Melbourne, Australia, in the state of Victoria.
* Southwood Secondary School, a high school in Cambridge, Ontario
* "Congregatio Ssmi Sacramenti", the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
* Standard scratch scoring, a golf scoring system
* St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Austin, Texas, a private school in Austin, TX
* Standard Salts Solution, 0.05M KCl, 5mM MgCl2, 0.01M potassium phosphate
* State Security Service, Nigerian domestic intelligence agency
* State space search, an artificial intelligence algorithm
* Strict sense stationarity
* Streetsville Secondary School, a high school in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
* Subclavian steal syndrome, a medical condition arising from reversed blood flow
* Subsurface scattering, a mechanism of light transport and effect in 3D computer graphics
* Sudbury Secondary School, a high school in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
* Sutton's Sign Symbol Sequence, now the International Movement Writing Alphabet, an ordered set of symbols used to record movement
* Survey Software Services, now WorldAPP providers of Key Survey and Extreme Form
* Sun, Sand and Surf - as a form of tourism, sometimes substituted by Sand, Sea and Sex
* SunSet Swish, a Japanese band
* Super Special Stage, a competitive section in a stage rally (motorsports) event
* Sweden Solar System, the world's largest scale model of the solar system
* Super Steady Shot, Sony's Image stabilization Technology name

It may also refer to:
* Triple-S Management Corporation
* Cray-3/SSS, a massively parallel supercomputer project
* Joycard Sanusui SSS, a controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System
* SSS islands, part of the Netherlands Antilles
* SSS-PC, a computer operating system (kernel)
* SSS (Three-Speed), a fictional character from the anime series "MADLAX"
* Software Service System, a 1990 design by Ryoichi Mori of a digital rights mechanism (precursor of Superdistribution)
* Solid State Society, the movie sequel to Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
* Swedish Swing Society, a Swedish dance club of some importance in the lindy hop revival
* South Side Shirts
* SSS International Records, a record label founded by Shelby Singleton.
* "SSS" is also sometimes used to represent hissing sounds.

"See also:" SS (disambiguation).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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