Prof. Sanjay Govind Dhande

Prof. Sanjay Govind Dhande

Sanjay Govind Dhande is presently working as the Director of Indian Institute ofTechnology Kanpur and now in additional charge of the Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management(IIITM), Gwalior. He was the FounderDirector of PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology Design &Manufacturing Jabalpur. He served as a part-time member of TelecomRegulatory Authority of India (TRAI). Presently, he is a member of theScientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India (PM-SAC).

Professor Dhande has worked in the field of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling andReverse Engineering. AUTOLAY, an innovative CAD technology,developed for Aeronautical Development Agency by Professor Dhande isbeing used actively by the leading aircraft manufacturers of the world.AUTOLAY is also used for the construction Light Combat Aircraft(LCA) in India.

He extended support to the Govt. of India forincubating PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur. This Institute is beinghelped in different areas as part of the protocol signed by the PrimeMinisters of India and Japan. Another new Institute called IndianInstitute of Saddlery Technology and Export Management (IISTEM)at Banther near Kanpur under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerceand Industry, Govt. of India has been established by Professor Dhande,in order to harness the traditional technology available in the region.

He has been extending executive help in preparing the vision documents, charters andbackground papers for helping the Govt. of India in establishment ofIndian Institutes of Science for Education & Research (IISER) at Pune & Kolkata.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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