- Blastocladiomycota
name = Blastocladiomycota
regnum =Fungi
phylum = Blastocladiomycota
phylum_authority = T.Y. James 2007cite journal|author=James, T.Y., "et al." | year=2006 | title=A molecular phylogeny of the flagellated fungi ("Chytridiomycota") and description of a new phylum ("Blastocladiomycota") | journal=Mycologia | volume=98 |pages=860–871 | url=http://www.mycologia.org/cgi/content/abstract/98/6/860 | doi=10.3852/mycologia.98.6.860]
classis = Blastocladiomycetes
classis_authority = T.Y. James 2007
ordo = Blastocladiales
ordo_authority = H.E. Petersen 1910 [cite journal | author=Petersen, H.E. | year=1909 | title= | journal=Bot. Tidsskr. | volume=29 | pages=357 (as "Blasocladiineae")]
type_species =
type_species_authority =
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision ="Allomyces " E.J. Butler 1911
"Blastocladia " Reinsch 1877
"Coelomomyces " Keilin 1921"Blastocladiomycota is phylum of zoosporic Fungicite journal | author=Hibbett, D.S., "et al." | month=Mar | year=2007 | title=A higher level phylogenetic classification of the "Fungi"| journal=Mycol. Res. | volume=111 | issue=5 | pages=509–547 | doi=10.1016/j.mycres.2007.03.004] .
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