- Tomorrows Gaming INC
"Tomorrows Gaming [টুমরোজ গেমিং] / (TG)" : is a free organization based on I.T, Gaming & Technology offering a wide range of advice, tips and mostly reviews and previews on latest Games, Hardware & Software products on their website. They also include reviews of other products such as cameras, cell phones and other accessories. Mainly based upon native
Bangladesh . It used to be a free onlinecomputer magazine that was published monthly by Tomorrows Gaming Inc.They are also formerly known as “South Pacific & Asia's first ever free online IT and Gaming magazine”
The publication was announced at the [http://www.comtomorrow.com/ Computer Tomorrow] Online in some January 2006. They published their first magazine under the name "Tomorrows Gaming". Its first official launch was made in April 2006.
Founded By [http://zaid.tomorrowsgaming.com/ Zaid Hyder] , who's also the current Owner & Focal Administrator. [http://sadat.tomorrowsgaming.com/ Md. Sadat Hussein Khan] later joined Tomorrows Gaming as an editor & member of the Website Development Team. He's currently the Director & leads the website development team. Tomorrows Gaming is re-launching their [http://tomorrowsgaming.com/ website] previously they had been reviewed number of times by some Asian news papers and magazines.
As an online magazine Tomorrows Gaming was mainly based in Asia and original edition used to be published online in their [http://www.tomorrowsgaming.com/ website] . Therefore it is available worldwide. Sometimes under a different names:
* Tomorrows Gaming inAustralia ,New Zealand ,India .
* টুমরোজ গেমিং inBangladesh References
1. [http://i28.tinypic.com/1zw0ig.jpgDaily Prothom Alo] - I.T Corner February 18th 2008. Story: "Tomorrows Gamings Forum Released" ( চালু হয়েছে টুমরোজ গেমিং ফোরাম )
2. [http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=prothom+alo.com&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a Daily Prothom Alo] - I.T Corner September 14th 2006. Story: "Country's 1st free online magazine"
3. [http://www.ittefaq.com/get.php?d=07/06/30/w/d_vqry Daily Ittefaq] - Computer Section August 20th 2006. Story: "Tomorrows Gaming launched...."
4. [http://www.comjagat.com/ Monthly Computer Jagat] - July 2006. News: "Tommorows Gaming the free online magazine"
5. [http://www.computerbarta.com/ Computer Barta] - September 2006. News: "Tomorrows Gaming Website Changed"
6. [http://www.doctortomorrow.com/ Doctor Tomorrow] - Website related with Computer Tomorrow referenced Tomorrows Gaming
External links
* [http://www.tomorrowsgaming.com/ Tomorrows Gaming Website]
* [http://forums.tomorrowsgaming.com/ Tomorrows Gaming Forum]
* [http://tomorrowsgaming.blogspot.com/ Tomorrows Gaming Blog]
* [http://www.comtomorrow.com/ Computer Tomorrow]
* [http://www.doctortomorrow.com/ Dr. Tomorrow]
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