

Al-Masfiwi was a poet in the time of Ahmad al-Mansur. The surviving poetry of al-Masfiwi can be found in Manahil al-Safa, as well as in Kitab al-Istiqsa li-akhbar duwal al-Maghrib al-Aqsa by the nineteenth-century Moroccan historian, Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Khalid al-Nasiri al-Salawi. The section on Ahmad al-Mansur is found in Volume Five of this work. This volume has been translated into French by al-Nasiri's son, Muhammad al-Nasiri, and appears in Archives Marocaines 34 (1936). The poetry of al-Masfiwi, as well as that of the other main poets of the age of al-Mansur, is analyzed in a recent book by the Moroccan scholar Najala al-Marini, entitled Al-Sh'ar al-Maghribi fi 'asr al-Mansur al-Sa'di (Rabat: Nashurat Kuliat al-Adab wa al-Alum al-Insania, 1999).

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