Primrose League

Primrose League

"Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2007 May 16The Primrose League was an organisation for spreading Conservative principles in Great Britain. It was founded in 1883 and active until the mid 1990s. It was finally wound up in December 2004.

Its aims (published in the "Primrose League Gazette", vol.83, no.2, March/April 1979) were:

# To Uphold and support God, Queen, and Country, and the Conservative cause;
# To provide an effective voice to represent the interests of our members and to bring the experience of the Leaders to bear on the conduct of public affairs for the common good;
# To encourage and help our members to improve their professional competence as leaders;
# To fight for free enterprise.


The primrose was known as the "favourite flower" of Benjamin Disraeli, and so became associated with him. Queen Victoria sent a wreath of primroses to his funeral with the handwritten message: "His favourite flowers: from Osborne: a tribute of affectionate regard from Queen Victoria." On the day of the unveiling of Disraeli's statue all Conservative members of the House of Commons were decorated with the primrose.

A small group had for some time discussed the means for obtaining the support of the people for Conservative principles. Sir Henry Drummond Wolff said to Lord Randolph Churchill, "Let us found a primrose league." A meeting was held at the Carlton Club shortly afterwards, consisting of Churchill, Wolff, Sir John Gorst, Percy Mitford, Colonel Fred Burnaby and some others, to whom were subsequently added Satchell Hopkins, J. B. Stone, Rowlands and some Birmingham supporters of Burnaby, who also wished to return Lord Randolph Churchill as a Conservative member for that city. These founding members assisted in remodelling the original statutes, first drawn up by Wolff. Wolff had for some years perceived the influence exercised in benefit societies by badges and titular appellations, and he endeavoured to devise some quaint phraseology which would be attractive to the working classes. The title of "Knight Harbinger" was taken from an office no longer existing in the Royal Household, and a regular gradation was instituted for the honorific titles and decorations assigned to members. This idea, though at first ridiculed, was greatly developed since the foundation of the order; and new distinctions and decorations were founded, also contributing to the attractions of the league.

The League was partially copied from the organization of the Orange Order in Ireland. In lieu of calling the different subsidiary associations by the ordinary term "lodges", the name was given of "habitations", which could be constituted with thirteen members. These were intended as a substitute for the paid canvassers, about to be abolished by Gladstone's Reform Bill. The principles of the League are best explained in the declaration which every member was asked to sign: :"I declare on my honour and faith that I will devote my best ability to the maintenance of religion, of the estates of the realm, and of the imperial ascendancy of the British Empire; and that, consistently with my allegiance to the sovereign of these realms, I will promote with discretion and fidelity the above objects, being those of the Primrose League." The motto was "Imperium et libertas"; the seal, three primroses; and the badge, a monogram containing the letters PL, surrounded by primroses. Many other badges and various articles of jewellery were designed later, with this flower as an emblem.

A small office was first taken on a second floor in Essex Street, The Strand; but this had soon to be abandoned, as the dimensions of the League rapidly increased. Ladies were generally included in the first organization of the League, but subsequently a separate Ladies Branch and Grand Council were formed. The founder of the Ladies Grand Council was Lady Borthwick (afterwards Lady Glenesk), and the first meeting of the committee took place at her house in Piccadilly in March 1885.

The ladies who formed the first committee were: Lady Borthwick, the dowager-duchess of Marlborough (first lady president), Lady Wimborne, Lady Randolph Churchill, Lady Charles Beresford, the dowager-marchioness of Waterford, Julia marchioness of Tweeddale, Julia Countess of Jersey, Mrs (subsequently Lady) Hardman, Lady Dorothy Nevill, the Honorable Lady Campbell (later Lady Blythswood), the Honorable Mrs Armitage, Mrs Bischoffsheim, Miss Meresia Nevill (the first secretary of the Ladies Council).

Sir Winston Churchill (in his book on his father, Sir Randolph Churchill) stated that, at its peak, the Primrose League had one million paid up members "determined to promote the cause of Toryism". (The "Primrose League Gazette", vol.82, no.2, March/April, 1978).

Membership of the League was "well over a million by the early 1890s" and at that time enjoyed more support than the British trade union movement. [Anthony Seldon and Peter Snowdon, "The Conservative Party" (Sutton Publishing, 2004), p. 211.] 6,000 people were members of the League in Bolton in 1900, as large as the national membership of the Independent Labour Party during the same time. [Ibid, pp. 211-212.] However by 1912 the League's membership had fallen to just over 650,000 as other Leagues emerged, such as the Tariff Reform League and the Budget Protest League. [Ibid, p. 212.]


Prior to World War II, the League was still able to pack the Royal Albert Hall for its annual Grand Habitation. It continued its activities after the war and celebrated its Centenary in 1983 with its usual round of social and political events.

The League's "Gazette" carried articles by leading politicians of the day - Margaret Thatcher included (September/October 1977). But following the resignation of its industrious secretary of 45 years, Evelyn Hawley, C.B.E., at the end of 1988, it went into decline, from which it did not recover.


The "Daily Telegraph" reported on 16 December 2004: "this week saw a significant event for any observers of political history: after 121 years, the Primrose League was finally wound up. The league's aim was to promote Toryism across the country. 'In recent years, our meetings have become smaller and smaller,' says Lord Mowbray, one of the league's leading lights. Its remaining funds have been donated to Tory coffers. 'On Monday, I presented Michael Howard and Liam Fox with a cheque for £70,000,' adds Lord Mowbray proudly."


*Grand Masters: ; Lord Salisbury, Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir Winston Churchill (1944 - 1965), Alec Douglas-Home Lord Home of the Hirsel, KT, (1966 - Dec 1983).
*Chancellors: The Lord Mowbray and Stourton (April 1975 - April 1979) (April 1981 - April 1984), The Lord O'Hagan, MEP, (April 1979 - April 1981), The Lord Murton of Lindisfarne, OBE, TD, JP, (from April 1984 - Dec 1988), Sir John Langford-Holt, (1989 - ).
*Hon. Treasurer: Sir Graham Rowlandson, MBE, JP, (in 1977 - June 1985), Mr. W.L.Grant (June 1985 - August 1988), Peter Bowring (Sept 1988 - ).
*Chairman, Churchill Chapter, Geoffrey Johnson-Smith, MP (in 1977 - )
*Chairman, Ladies' Churchill Chapter: Mrs Evelyn King (in 1977 - June 1986), Judith, Lady Roberts (June 1985 - )
*Chairman, General Purposes Committee: John Heydon Stokes, MP (in 1971 - June 1985), William Cash, MP (from June 1985 - July 1988), Richard W.L. Smith (July 1988 - ).
*Chairman, Political Committee: Richard W.L. Smith (from April 1987 - )
*Secretary: (1943 - 1988 incl.) Mrs Evelyn M. Hawley, CBE,OBE.
*Hon. Director, Roger Boaden, MBE, (27 Sept 1988 - )
*Trustees: Col. Sir Leonard Ropner, Bt.,MC.,(1977); The Lord St. Helens, MC., (in 1977 - Dec 1980), The Lord Tweedsmuir, CBE., Robert Cooke, MP., (in 1977 - June 1987), The Lord Mowbray and Stourton, CBE, (from March 1980 - ) The Lord Denham, PC, (from April 1988 - ).

League events

The Primrose League held many social functions and dinners where their membership would gather. They would often be addressed by, and have the opportunity to meet, parliamentarians such as Michael Heseltine, Francis Pym, and Sir Ian Gilmour.

ee also

Primrose Day




* "The Primrose League Gazette" (originally bi-monthly, later quarterly). Quality paper, sized in between A4 and A5, some photos. (1989 editions in tabloid newspaper form). Editors: Mr Greenland (retired Dec 1976), William Cash, MP (1977 - Dec 1979), John Stokes (Jan/Feb, March, & April 1980 editions), Stephen Parker (May 1980 - 1989 incl).

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