Amos Elon

Amos Elon

Amos Elon (born 1925) is an Israeli journalist and author.

Elon was born in Vienna in 1925 and emigrated to Palestine in 1933. He studied law and history in Israel and England. [Amos Elon's Bio [] ] Beginning in the 1950s, Elon served as a correspondent on European and American affairs for the newspaper "Haaretz". He took a leave of absence from Haaretz in 1971 and resumed in 1978. Amos retired from Haaretz in 2001. Amos Elon was an early advocate for the creation of a Palestinian state and withdrawal from the territories occupied by Israel in 1967. [Amos Elon's Bio [] ] He has and continues to be a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books and The New York Times Magazine. [ [ Amos Elon - The New York Review of Books ] ] For many years, he was widely regarded as one of Israel's leading journalists. In the year 2007-2008, Amos Elon was a fellow at The Center for Law and Security at the New York University School of Law. [The Center on Law and Security [] ]

Elon is the author of many books on modern Jewish and Israeli historical and social subjects. Among them, translated into many languages:
*"Journey Through a Haunted Land - the new Germany"
*"The Israelis, Founders and Sons"
*"Herzl, a biography"
*"Flight into Egypt"
*"Timetable," a novel
*"Jerusalem, Battleground of Memory"
*"A Blood-dimmed Tide- Dispatches from the Middle East"
*"Founder, the first Rothschild"
*"The Pity of it All, German Jews before Hitler"

During the 1990s, Elon began to spend much of his time in Italy, and in 2004 he announced that he was moving there permanently, citing disillusionment with developments in Israel since 1967.


External links

* [ Under the Tuscan sun] Interview with "Haaretz", 2004

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