Giuseppe Piermarini

Giuseppe Piermarini

Giuseppe Piermarini (18 July 173418 February 1808) was an Italian architect who trained with Luigi Vanvitelli at Rome and designed the Teatro alla Scala (1776-78), which remains the work by which he is remembered. Piermarini was appointed professor in the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, better known as Brera Academy, Milan, when it was formally founded in 1776.

Piermarini was born at Foligno, then part of the Papal States. He was Vanvitelli's collaborator at Caserta, 1765-69, when he removed to Milan. From his Milan base he reorganized the University of Pavia (1770) and the palazzo for the Accademia di Scienze e Belle Lettere, or Accademia Virgiliana at Mantua (1773).

With the Hapsburg decision permanently to install an archduke at Milan, Piermarini was commissioned to reconstruct the ducal palace adjoinmed to the cathedral as an appropriate city residence and to construct a wholly new country seat near Monza.

For the archducal residence in Milan, Piermarini successfully avoided competition with the rich gothic front of the cathedral with his sober neoclassical façade (1773-80) and created the Piazzetta Reale, as part of his urbanistic projects in the city centre. For the Villa Reale, (1776 onwards), successive changes adapted the original pleasure villa to a seat of court. In 1779 Piermarini was officially named architect of the Imperial Kingdom, a position he had occupied in fact for several years.

Of his opera house, successive internal reconstructions have altered the interior so that only Piermarini's general plan is still recognizable, and his façade.

Piermarini's lesser works in Milan include Palazzo Greppi (1772-78) andPalazzo Belgioioso (1772-81). At Parabiago, his friend the successful cabinetmaker Giuseppe Maggiolini commissioned him to erect a new façade for the Chiesa Prepositurale dei Santi Gervasio e Protasio (1780).

In 1798 he returned to his native Foligno, where he effected some changes in the Duomo and prepared a project for the Cappella del Sacramento in the church of San Lorenzo at Spello. He died in Foligno in 1808.

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