Stanisław Małachowski

Stanisław Małachowski

Stanisław Małachowski (1736–1809) was a member of the Polish government's Permanent Council (Rada Nieustająca) (1776–1780), Marshal of the Crown Courts of Justice from 1774, Crown Grand Referendary (Referendarz Wielki Koronny) (1780–1792) and Marshal of the Four-Year Sejm (1788–1792). He also served as Starosta (prefect) of Ziemia sądecka. In 1782 he was awarded, by King Stanisław August, the Order of the White Eagle.Małachowski began his political career already in his early twenties, as a deputy, in 1758, and showed himself to be of unimpeachable integrity, a rare attribute. Elected Marshal of the Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1788, he worked closely with other leaders of the Patriotic Party, including Ignacy Potocki and Hugo Kołłątaj, the latter of whom addressed him in "Several Anonymous Letters to S.M." (1788). Małachowski supported the aspirations of townspeople for broader political rights, in 1791 ostentatiously accepting citizenship in the Old Town of Warsaw. He co-authored the May Constitution of Poland adopted May 3, 1791.

Małachowski condemned the Targowica Confederation that had been formed to overthrow the new Constitution. When Confederation forces marched in, he left Poland, returning for good only in 1796. He spent the next years on family estates. In 1807 he became president (prezes) of the Governing Commission (Komisja Rządząca), and from October 5--of the Council of Ministers (Rada Ministrów), of the Duchy of Warsaw (Księstwo Warszawskie), and subsequently--of its Senate (Senat).

Małachowski partially emancipated his peasants and assured funding for their medical care.

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