Alois Estermann

Alois Estermann

Alois Estermann (october 29 1954 - May 4 1998) was a senior officer of the Swiss Guard who was murdered in his apartment in the Vatican City.

Estermann was born in Gunzwil, in the Canton of Lucerne.

According to official Vatican statements, Estermann and his wife, Gladys Meza Romero, were killed by a young Swiss Guard Cédric Tornay, who later committed suicide. Estermann, formerly acting commander of the Swiss Guard, had been confirmed in his position the same day. Tornay had earlier been reprimanded for breaches of discipline and had been passed over for a medal routinely awarded to Guards after three years of service.

Conspiracy theories

The homicide has inevitably led to conspiracy theories of a highly speculative nature. Markus Wolf, former No. 2 of the East German secret police Stasi, declared that Esterman was a Stasi agent since 1979. [cite journal|title=Strage in Vaticano, un mistero tuttora irrisolto|journal=L'Opinione|date=2006-01-16 [] ] [cite book|title=L'Agent secret du Vatican|first=Victor|last=Guitard|publisher=Albin Michel, 2004|location=Paris] According to a piece edited by Fabio Croce, the three were all murdered by a Vatican killer, ["Delitto in Vaticano. La verità", F. Croce Editore, 1999] due to Estermann's deep knowledge of the small state's trafficks. [According to the book "Poteri forti" by Ferruccio Pinotti, Estermann in 1981 repeatedly travelled to Poland to coordinate the arrival on unknown material from Scandinavia to support the Polish anti-communist organization Solidarnosc [] ] The text "Bugie di sangue in Vaticano" (1999), written by "a group of Vatican ecclesiastics and lays who cannot continue to avail, with their silence, official truth told by the Vatican", [] supports the hypothesis that Estermann was the Pope's personal guard, and that he was killed in the course of a supposed struggle between the Opus Dei and "masonic" parties within the Vatican hierarchy, both attempting to annex the Swiss Guard.

The British journalist, John Follain, undertook extensive interviews with key witnesses to the murders to inform his book, "City of Secrets: The Truth behind the murders at the Vatican" (Harper Collins, London, 2006). Follain dismisses speculation that Estermann, his wife, and Tornay were murdered by an external third party or that Estermann was a spy for the former East German government. Follain's research indicated that Cedric Tornay did indeed kill his commander, and his commander's wife before turning the gun on himself. Tornay found the running of the Swiss Guard archaic, and resented the dominance of the Swiss German majority contingent. Tornay turned to Alois Esterman for affection, and enjoyed a short homosexual affair. Their relationship deteriorated into acrimony as Tornay realised that Estermann had betrayed him with another guard. Estermann's close links to the Opus Dei movement, and his final refusal to award the Benemeriti medal for 3-years service led to further frustration and Tornay's decision to kill Estermann. [John Follain, City of Secrets: The Truth behind the murders at the Vatican, Harper Collins, London, 2006.]


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