

Petrof is a Czech piano maker. The company was founded in 1864 in Hradec Králové by Antonín Petrof (d.1915) who had studied piano making in Vienna.

History of PETROF

1857The company founder Antonín PETROF goes to Vienna to learn how to build grand pianos

1864Hradec Králové - building of the first concert grand piano

1865Antonín Petrof transforms his father's joinery workshop into a piano maker's workshop

1874The company moves to a new property in the direction of Brno

1881The company starts keyboard production and the construction of action

1884The construction of a saw mill

1894Start exporting instruments abroad

1895Subsidiary in Temesvár in Hungary opened

1908The company becomes a limited company. Not only the founder Antonín Petrof, but also his sons Jan, Antonín and from 1914 the youngest Vladimír (2nd generation) work for the company.

1915Antonín Petrof and his wife Marie, the company confidential clerk die

1928PETROF together with the significant American manufacturer STEINWAY open a subsidiary in London at Wigmore Street.

1932The company management enlarges the company administration with the 3rd Petrof generation: Dimitrij, Eduard and Eugena

1948Nationalization - the national company Továrny na piana a varhany (Piano and organ factories) with a registered office at Hradec Králové is established; the PETROF brand is further used

1954Development department for upright pianos and grand pianos is established.

1991The Petrof family returns to the factoryIng. Jan Petrof (4th generation) after 40 years of totalitarian regimeStart of privatization process

1994New modern research centre with own big-capacity free-field measuring chamber, biggest of its kind in the Czech republic, opened

1997Továrna na piana, a. s. established in Hradec Králové

1999135th anniversary of establishment of Petrof company

2001PETROF, spol. s r. o. - the factory passed fully into the hands of the Petrof family, 5th generation enters

2004Zuzana Ceralová Petrofová becomes president of the company5th generation

2005 - Zuzana Ceralová Petrofová - appointed president of European Federation of Music Instrument Manufacturers - CAFIM

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