Ran Eliran

Ran Eliran

Ron Eliran or Ran Eliran is known as "Israel's Ambassador of Song" and is known for his song, Sharm el-Sheikh, with Amos Ettinger helping.

Early life

Ron Eliran, formerly Menachem Leizerovich, was born in Haifa, Israel on December 16, 1944. His father was Michael Leizerovich (deceased), a baker, his mother was Hanna Leizerovich (deceased), his older sister was Tzipora Leizerovich (deceased) and his younger brother is Joshua Eliran, who lives in San Francisco. He played classical violin as a child and he would often help his father in the bakery. He loved to climb up Mount Carmel and see the view of the Port of Haifa and the Mediterranean Sea.

Early career

Ron was the Israeli army's entertainer starting in 1962. He also partially helped in the Six-Day War.

External links


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