- Imamia Students Organisation
Imamia Students Organisation is a
Shi'a Muslim students organisation inPakistan . It was founded by Dr. Mohammad Ali Naqvi in22 May 1972 atUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Lahore . In 2003 it had "around 1200 units in Pakistan",Amir Rana and Waqar Gillani (November 24, 2003). [http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_24-11-2003_pg7_20 Iran not funding ISO: Shirazi] . "DailyTimes.com". Accessed2007-09-10 .] covering all the 4 provinces of Pakistan, Tribal areas, Azad Jamu & Kashmir & Northern areas.: "The Goal of this Organization is to set the lives of the young generation in accordance with the teachings of Quran and Mohammad-o-Aal-e-Mohammad (as), so that they may become good Human beings and Momins, and may defend the Highness of the Holy Religion and the geographical and ideological boundaries of Pakistan." [ [http://isopakistan.net/index1.htm Inamia Students Organization] . "ISOPakistan.net". Accessed 2008-05-09.]
Allegations were directed against ISO that they receive funding from
Iran . ISO counters those allegations, stating that they only receive moral guidance from Iran.The ISO has been part of the
Shurae Wahdat-e-Islami since September 1988. [http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/print?tbl=RSDCOI&id=3ae6aac534 Pakistan: Update to PAK28321.E of 3 December 1997 on the Shi'i political party the Tehreek (Tehrik)-i/e-Jafria Pakistan (TJP)] . (1 Apr 1999) "UNHCR ". Accessed2007-09-10 .]DASTA-E-IMAMIA
A separate segment of the Imamia Students Organization which actively takes part in moharram processions during the islamic months of moharram, safar, and rabi-ul-awwal. I t was formed in 1984 with the first reciter Hashim Raza followed later on by Muhammad Ali Najafi, Ali Safdar Rizvi and Wasim-ul-Hasan Abidi. The primary objective of this segment is charge the young blood for any sacrifice for greatness of islam and azadari-ey-Syed-ush-shuhada.
External links
* http://www.isochiniot.co.nr
* [http://groups.msn.com/Imamia Imamia msn forum]
* [http://www.geocities.com/hamsafre_karbala/ ISO Gilgit Division website]
* http://isopakistan.net/index1.htm
* http://imamiastudent.activeboard.com/
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