- Polyorchidism
Polyorchidism is the incidence of more than two
testes . It is a very rarecongenital disorder , with under 100 cases reported in medical literature. The most common form is triorchidism, or tritestes, where three testes are present. The condition is usuallyasymptomatic , but can increase the risk oftesticular cancer . A man who has polyorchidism is known as a polyorchid.Polyorchidism occurs in several forms:
* Type 1: The testis lacks an
epididymis andvas deferens and has no connection to the other testes.
* Type 2: The supernumerary testis shares theepididymis and thevas deferens of the other testes.
* Type 3: The supernumerary testis has its ownepididymis and shares avas deferens .
* Type 4: Complete duplication of the testis,epididymis andvas deferens .Type 2 is the most common form of polyorchidism, and types 2 and 3 together account for more than 90% of cases. Except in type 1, the supernumerary testis is usually reproductively functional. The supernumerary testis is most often found in the left scrotal sac.
Polyorchidism is generally diagnosed via an ultrasound examination of the testicles.
Polyorchidism alone does not increase
testosterone production.References
* "Polyorchidism", MEYERS, R and STAVROS, A. Available at: http://www.gehealthcare.com/inen/rad/us/technology/msupoly.html [Accessed 22/12/2004]
* "Triorchidism : An Incidental Finding And Review Of Literature", KUNDU, A, (et al.). Available at: http://medind.nic.in/jae/t01/i1/jaet01i1p37.pdf [Accessed 22/12/2004]
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