- Macedonian Political System
Republic of Macedonia is an independent, democratic country. It is aRepublic , consistent of three branches;Legislative , Executive andJudicial . TheConstitution is the highest law of the country. The political institutions are constituted by the will of its citizens by secret ballot at direct and general elections. Its political system of parliamentary democracy was established with theConstitution of 1991, which stipulates the basic principles of democracy and guarantees democratic civil freedom.The Elections for Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia is help in October. The Assembly is composed of 120 Representatives, who are elected for a period of four years. Out of this number, 85 are elected according to the majority principle in 85 constituencies and 35 according to the proportional principle (the territory of the Republic of Macedonia representing one constituency).There are approximately 1.5M voters registered in the General Electoral Roll for the election of Representatives in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, assigned in 85 constituencies, in 2.973 polling stations. The voting for the Representatives according to the majority principle can be conducted in two electoral rounds, whereas the voting according to the proportional principle ends in the first round. [ [http://www.izbori98.gov.mk/English/html/political_system.htm Macedonian Political System] ]Majority principle
85 Representatives - 85 Constituencies Out of 40 registered political parties, 28 have nominated candidates. 635 candidates have been proposed from 28 political parties, eight coalitions and eight private members. In the first round, the candidate who wins the majority of votes (50% of the total number of votes cast) will be elected, providing that the number of votes won is not less than 1/3 of the total number of registered voters in the constituency. Second round: If no candidate has won the required number of votes in the first round, the voting will be repeated in 14 days (1 of November, 1998). The first two candidates in a constituency, who have won the largest number of votes in the first round shall participate in the second round.The candidate who has won the largest number of votes from the votes cast in the second round shall be elected Representative. [ [http://www.izbori98.gov.mk/English/html/political_system.htm Macedonian Political System] ]
Proportional Principle
35 representatives - 1 Constituency17 lists of candidates have been submitted from 22 political parties, out of which independently from 12 political parties, from four coalitions and from one group of voters, and the total number of nominated candidates is 595. The D’Hondt formula shall be applied for establishing the results of the vote. Only candidates’ lists, which have won at least 5% of the votes cast, may be represented in the Assembly. [ [http://www.izbori98.gov.mk/English/html/political_system.htm Macedonian Political System] ]
Kiro Gligorov (1991-1999)
*Boris Trajkovski (1999-2004)
*Branko Crvenkovski (2004-)Political Parties
[http://www.ssm.org.mk/mak/ Macedonian Unions]
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