Coca, Segovia

Coca, Segovia

Coca is a municipality in the province of Segovia, central Spain, part of the autonomous community of Castile-Leon. It is located 50 kilometres northwest of the provincial capital city of Segovia, and 60 kilometres from Valladolid. Coca is known for its 15th Century Mudéjar castle. The town had a population of 2,131 in 2009.


The Romans founded the city of Cauca, as it is known in classical texts, on the site. It became a provincial city during the 2nd century A.D.

The Roman Emperor Flavius Theodosius (Theodosius I), was born in Cauca around 346 A.D. The son of a senior Roman army officer, he made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire and was the last ruler of a united Empire. After his death in Milan in 395 A.D., the Roman Empire was divided between his heirs and was never reunited.

Construction ended on the Castillo de Coca, the impressive castle in the middle of the town, in 1453. The castle, belonging to the House of Alba, now serves as a tourist attraction, having been listed as a historical site by the government since 1931.


The town is surrounded by a pine forest, which primarily contributes to the town's economy.

View of the Coca Castle.
Coca Castle at night, built in the XV century.

Coordinates: 41°13′00″N 4°31′00″W / 41.2166666667°N 4.51666666667°W / 41.2166666667; -4.51666666667

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