- Prostitution in Austria
Prostitution in Austria is an example of
regulated prostitution . Prostitution is legal but restricted by several regulations.History
The last time prostitution was completely forbidden in
Austria was underMaria Theresa of Austria , who shipped prostitutes along with other "asocial" people down theDanube to theBanat .http://www.bmi.gv.at/oeffentlSicherheit/2000/11_12/artikel_12.asp Geschichte der Prostitution. In "Öffentliche Sicherheit. Das Magazin des Innenministeriums" No 11-12/2000 November-Dezember (June 28, 2007)] Since this did little to reduce prostitution, however, Austrian laws changed to consider prostitution as a necessary evil that had to be tolerated, but regulated by the state.http://www.sjoe.at/content/frauen/themen/koerper/article/618.html Interview with Eva van Rahden from SILA (June 28,2007)] In1850 , the physician Dr. Nusser of theVienna police suggested that prostitutes be required to register with the police, receive medical examinations twice a week, and obtain special health certificates. In1873 , Anton Ritter von Le Monnier, head of the Vienna police, reformed Vienna's prostitution law, and health certificates have been obligatory since that time. Prostitutes who complied with the requirements of registration and examinations were no longer prosecuted by the police. A newspaper article ofOctober 27 ,1874 reported that 6,424 prostitutes had received health certificates and were under observation by police and health authorities. According to police estimates, at least 12,000 more women lived on the proceeds of "free love" without being registered. Most of these were factory workers who received so little pay that they needed the additional income. Of the registered prostitutes, 5,312 were unmarried, 902 widows, and 210 married. The youngest was 15 and the oldest 47 years old.Anna Ehrlich. "Auf den Spuren der Josefine Mutzenbacher." Amalthea Signum Verlag, Wien 2005, p. 205f. ISBN 3-85002-526-8]Homosexual male prostitution (§ 210 Strafgesetzbuch) was legalized in
1989 . [https://www.wien.gv.at/queerwien/recht.htm Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle: Die Rechtslage in Österreich (June 28, 2007)] [http://www.sbg.ac.at/ssk/docs/stgb/bgbl/1989_243.htm BGBl.Nr. 243/1989 (June 28, 2007)] A major reason for legalization was to reduce the spread ofHIV through regular medical examinations.http://www.statistik.at/web_de/Redirect/index.htm?dDocName=017760 Statistik Austria: Gerichtliche Kriminalstatistik 2005, ISBN 3-902479-92-2, p. 21: "Durch das Bundesgesetz BGBI. Nr. 243/1989 wurde der § 210 StGB, der bislang die gewerbsmäßige gleichgeschlechtliche Unzucht mit einer Person männlichen Geschlechts unter Strafe stellte, aufgehoben. Diese gesetzliche Maßnahme ist das Ergebnis einer ausführlichen Diskussion, in der die Befürworter hauptsächlich dahingehend argumentierten, dass die im Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung von AIDS getroffenen Gegenmaßnahmen, insbesondere die Durchführung regelmäßiger Untersuchungen sowie die behördliche Registrierung aller Prostituierten, durch die allgemeine Strafbarkeit der männlichen homosexuellen Prostitution in ihrer Effizienz stark beeinträchtigt würden." (June 28, 2007)]Current laws
Today prostitution in Austria is regulated by the
Strafgesetzbuch .http://www.sbg.ac.at/ssk/docs/stgb/stgb201_221.htm (June 28, 2007)] Prostitution is not forbidden, but clients of prostitutes younger than 18 are prosecuted under § 207b (sexual abuse of juveniles). Additional restrictions are specfied in § 214 to 217. Medical examinations are required by theAIDS and STD laws.http://www.sophie.or.at/faqs/recht/2006/03/01/prostitutionsgesetze/?lp_lang_pref=en (June 28, 2007)] The laws of the federalStates of Austria place further restrictions on the times and places where prostitution may occur.http://homepage.univie.ac.at/elisabeth.holzleithner/LG_Prostitution.htm (June 28, 2007)] The most restrictive law is that ofVorarlberg , where prostitution is legal only in licensed brothels and to date no such licenses have been issued.The Austrian Oberster Gerichtshof (
Supreme Court ) held in1989 that Prostitution was a "sittenwidriger Vertrag" (Unconscionable contract ); therefore, a prostitute has nolegal recourse against a customer who refuses to pay (OGH 28. Juni 1989, 3 Ob 516/89).http://homepage.univie.ac.at/elisabeth.holzleithner/OGHProstitution.htm (June 28, 2007)] According to Strafgesetzbuch § 216, it is forbidden to receive a regular income from the prostitution of another person, so a prostitute cannot legally be considered an employee. Prostitutes are considered to be self-employed, and since1986 they have been required to pay taxes. The Arbeits- und Sozialrechts-Änderungsgesetz (ASRÄG)1997 included them insocial insurance . [http://www.frauenratgeberin.at/cms/frauenratgeberin/stichwort_thema.htm?doc=CMS1174648057771 Frauenratgeberin des Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen, Themengebiet Frauen und Gewalt, Prostitution (June 28, 2007)]Current situation
According to a market study conducted by a Vienna institute in the 1960s, half of all adult male Austrians use the services of a prostitute at least once in their lives. [Anna Ehrlich. "Auf den Spuren der Josefine Mutzenbacher." Amalthea Signum Verlag, Wien 2005, p. 259. ISBN 3-85002-526-8]
Austrian cities do not have
red-light district s like theBahnhofsviertel (Frankfurt am Main) , theReeperbahn inHamburg , or theDe Wallen inAmsterdam ; the sex industry is widely distributed over the cities and its presence often goes unnoticed.http://www.falter.at/print/F2004_23_3.php Julia Ortner: Verunsicherte Voyeure. Falter 23/04, June 2, 2004 (June 28, 2007)]In April
2007 1,352 female and 21 male prostitutes where officially registered in Vienna. In 2003, the oldest prostitute was a 71 year old Austrian woman, who offered her service in the second district of Vienna, the so calledLeopoldstadt .http://www.bmi.gv.at/oeffentlSicherheit/2003/01_02/artikel_4.asp Illegale Prostitution. In "Öffentliche Sicherheit. Das Magazin des Innenministeriums" No 1-2/2003 Jänner-Februar (June 28, 2007)] The number of women working legally and illegally at least from time to time as prostitutes is estimated between 3,500 and 6,000; it is estimated that they totally serve 15,000 clients per day. Before the Wende there was a relatively good cooperation between police and prostitution from which both sides had their benefits: The pimps where allowed to regulate theirturf war s themselves; on the other hand they served as informants for the police.After the fall of theIron Curtain , however, the situation changed. A lot of young women from the formerEastern bloc came to Austria and were willing to prostitute themselves for less money than the Austrian women. Additionally organized crime groups from southern and eastern Europe entered the prostitution scene in Austria. [Roland Girtler: "Der Strich. Soziologie eines Milieus". 5. Auflage, Lit Verlag, Wien, 2004. ISBN 3-8258-7699-3. "Zur 5. Auflage: Rückblickendes Vorwort", pp. 9-11.] In the following years, in particular in the 1990ies the number of legal prostitutes decreased and the number of illegal prostitutes increased. Nowadays 60 to 90 percent aremigrant s, mainly from the former east bloc countries, among them manycommuter s from the closeSlovakia . For example, the police caught severalnurse s fromBratislava who earned more money in one night on the streets of Vienna than in a whole month in the hospital in Bratislava.The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior considers the illegal prostitution as a problem because it comes along with crimes like
human trafficking , pimping andrape . In addition, illegal prostitution creates health problems. A quarter of the arrested illegal prostitutes had multiple infections with sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, according to the health authorities of Vienna, registered prostitutes are the most healthy group of persons. [https://www.wien.gv.at/who/gb/98/pdf/epidemi.pdf Gesundheitsbericht Wien 1998. III. Epidemologie, p. 133] . Because of this the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior wants to transform illegal prostitution to a legal one. Similar to the ministry, severalhuman rights and migrants organizations who highlight the bad life and working conditions of prostitutes want a detabooization of prostitution and improve the working and social conditions of sex works and to abolish the discrimination in the working rights and in the rights of residence. In early2007 this topic was also discovered by politics and it was discussed to end the unconscionability state of prostitution and to find a legal regulation similar to the German law. ["Das "älteste Gewerbe" ist in Österreich keines".Der Standard , May 25, 2007, p. 10. [http://diestandard.at/?url=/?id=2894088 online version (June 28, 2007)] ]Counselling centres for prostitutes exist in Vienna (Sophiehttp://www.sophie.or.at/ (June 28, 2007)] ) and
Linz (Lenahttp://caritas.cyberhouse.at/Handout_LENA.pdf (June 28, 2007)] ). Additionally the organization LEFÖ (Counselling, Education and Support for Migrant Women) [http://www.lefoe.at/ (June 28, 2007)] in Vienna and "Maiz" [http://www.maiz.at/ (June 28, 2007)] in Linz offer consulting for migrants working in sex industry.There is an increase of Nigerian Prostitues in Austria, where by it was found out that many of them are victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution. Ngo Exit documents stories of these victims to sensibilise the publich. Furthermore , Exit consels the victims who seek help in special African dialects. Exit was initiated by Joana Adesuwa Reiterer, a nigerian actress and writer based in vienna who after escaping a marriage with a Pimp started her research on humantrafficking from Africa to Austria for sexual expliotation. [ [http://www.ngo-exit.com/ NGO - EXIT - Home ] ]
*German|Prostitution#Austria|June 24, 2007
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