List of Estonian butterflies

List of Estonian butterflies

This is a list of butterfly species recorded in Estonia (excluded are the species not encountered during the past 100 years).

Hesperiidae – Skippers

*Dingy Skipper - "Erynnis tages"
*Grizzled Skipper - "Pyrgus malvae"
*Olive Skipper - "Pyrgus serratulae"
*Large Grizzled Skipper - "Pyrgus alveus"
*Large Chequered Skipper - "Heteropterus morpheus"
*Northern Chequered Skipper - "Carterocephalus silvicola"
*Chequered Skipper - "Carterocephalus palaemon"
*Essex Skipper - "Thymelicus lineola"
*Small Skipper - "Thymelicus sylvestris"
*Large Skipper - "Ochlodes venata"
*Silver-spotted Skipper - "Hesperia comma"

Papilionidae – Swallowtails

*Old World Swallowtail - "Papilio machaon"
*Scarce swallowtail - "Iphiclides podalirius"
*Clouded Apollo - "Parnsssius mnemosyne"

Pieridae – Whites

*Black-veined White - "Aporia crataegi"
*Large White - "Pieris brassicae"
*Small White - "Pieris rapae"
*Green-veined White - "Pieris napi"
*Bath White - "Pontia daplidice"
*Wood White - "Leptidea sinapis"
*Orange Tip - "Antocharis cardamines"
*Brimstone - "Gonepteryx rhamni"
*"Colias palaeno"
*Pale Clouded Yellow - "Colias hyale"
*Clouded Yellow - "Colias crocea"


*Small Tortoiseshell - "Aglais urticae"
*Red Admiral - "Vanessa atalanta"
*Painted Lady - "Vanessa cardui"
*White Admiral - "Limenitis camilla"
*Poplar Admiral - "Limenitis populi"
*Purple Emperor - "Apatura iris"
*Lesser Purple Emperor - "Apatura ilia"
*European peacock - "Inachis io"
*Scarce Tortoiseshell - "Nymphalis xanthomelas"
*Large Tortoiseshell - "Nymphalis polychloros"
*Camberwell Beauty - "Nymphalis antiopa"
*False Comma - "Polygonia vau-album"
*Comma - "Polygonia c-album"
*Map - "Araschnia levana"
*Scarce Fritillary - "Euphydryas maturna"
*Marsh Fritillary - "Euphydryas aurinia"
*False Heath Fritillary - "Mellicta diamina"
*Heath Fritillary - "Mellicta athalia"
*Nickerl's Fritillary - "Mellicta aurelia"
*Knapweed Fritillary - "Mellitaea phoebe"
*Glanville Fritillary - "Mellitaea cinxia"
*Spotted Fritillary - "Mellitaea didyma"
*Dark Green Fritillary - "Argynnis aglaja"
*Niobe Fritillary - "Argynnis niobe"
*High Brown Fritillary - "Argynnis adippe"
*Silver-washed Fritillary - "Argynnis paphia"
*Pallas's Fritillary - "Argynnis laodice"
*Lesser Marbled Fritillary - "Argynnis ino"
*Queen of Spain Fritillary - "Argynnis lathonia"
*Cardinal - "Argynnis pandora"
*Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - "Boloria selene"
*Pearl-bordered Fritillary - "Boloria euphrosyne"
*"Boloria frigga"
*Weaver's Fritillary - "Boloria dia"
*Titania's Fritillary - "Boloria titania"
*"Boloria freija"
*Cranberry Fritillary - "Boloria aquilonaris"
*Bog Fritillary - "Boloria eunomia"
*Arran Brown - "Erebia ligea"
*"Erebia embla"
*Marbled White - "Melanargia galathea"
*Baltic Grayling - "Oeneis jutta"
*Grayling - "Hipparchia semele"
*Ringlet - "Aphantopus hyperanthus"
*Speckled Wood - "Pararge aegeria"
*Northern Wall Brown - "Lasiommata petropolitana"
*Large Wall - "Lasiommata maera"
*Woodland Brown - "Lopinga achine"
*Meadow Brown - "Maniola jurtina"
*Dusky Meadow Brown - "Hyponephele lycaon"
*Scarce Heath - "Coenonympha hero"
*"Coenonympha amyntas"
*Pearly Heath - "Coenonympha arcania"
*Small Heath - "Coenonympha pamphilius"
*Large Heath - "Coenonympha tullia"

Riodinidae - Metalmarks

*Duke of Burgundy - "Hamearis lucina"


*Purple Hairstreak - "Thecla quercus"
*Brown Hairstreak - "Thecla betulae"
*Ilex Hairstreak - "Strymon ilicis"
*White-letter Hairstreak - "Strymon w-album"
*Black Hairstreak - "Strymon pruni"
*Green Hairstreak - "Callophrys rubi"
*Scarce copper - "Lycaena virgaureae"
*Sooty Copper - "Lycaena tityrus"
*Purple-shot Copper - "Lycaena alciphron"
*Small Copper - "Lycaena phlaeas"
*Large Copper - "Lycaena dispar"
*Purple-edged Copper - "Lycaena hippothoe"
*Short-tailed Blue - "Everes argiades "
*Small Blue - "Cupido minimus"
*Holly Blue - "Celastrina argiolus"
*Eastern Baton Blue - "Pseudophilotes vicrama"
*Chequered Blue - "Scolithantides orion"
*Green-underside Blue - "Glaucopsyche alexis"
*Large Blue - "Maculinea arion"
*Idas Blue - "Plebeius idas"
*Silver-studded Blue - "Plebeius argus"
*Mountain Argus - "Aricia artaxerxes"
*Geranium Argus - "Aricia eumedon"
*Mazarine Blue - "Cyaniris semiargus"
*Cranberry Blue - "Vacciniina optilete"
*Common Blue - "Polyommatus icarus"
*Amanda's Blue - "Polyommatus amandus"
*Adonis Blue - "Polyommatus bellargus"
*Chalkhill Blue - "Polyommatus coridon"
*Damon Blue - "Agrodiaetus damon"


*J.Viidalepp Eesti liblikad, Tallinn, 2000

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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