Wireless Multimedia Extensions
- Wireless Multimedia Extensions
Wireless Multimedia Extensions (WME), also known as Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) is a Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability certification, based on the IEEE 802.11e draft standard. It provides basic Quality of service (QoS) features to IEEE 802.11 networks. WMM prioritizes traffic according to four Access Categories (AC) - voice, video, best effort, and background. However, it does not provide guaranteed throughput. It is suitable for simple applications that require QoS, such as Voice over IP (VoIP) on Wi-Fi phones.
Power Save Certification
The Wi-Fi Alliance has added "Power Save Certification" to the WMM specification. Power Save uses mechanisms from 802.11e and legacy 802.11 to save power (for battery powered equipment) and fine-tune power consumption. The certification provides an indication that the certified product is targeted for power critical applications like hand-phones and portable power devices.The underlying concept of WMM PowerSave is that the station (STA) triggers the release of buffered data from the access point (AP) by sending an uplink data frame. Upon receipt of such a data (trigger) frame the AP releases previously buffered data stored in each of its queues. Queues may be configured to be trigger enabled, i.e. a receipt of a data frame corresponding to the queue acts as trigger, and delivery enabled, i.e. data stored at those queues will be released upon receipt of a frame. Queues refer to the four ACs defined for WMM.
See also
* 802.11e: Quality of Service enhancements for Wi-Fi standard 802.11b
* 802.11e-2005 APSD (Automatic Power Save Delivery)
* Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery
External links
* [http://www.wi-fi.org/news/pressrelease-120605-wmmpowersave/en/ Announcement about Power Save Certification]
* [http://www.wi-fi.org/knowledge_center/wmmpowersave/ WMM Power Save Knowledge Center]
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