

Batyr was an Asian Elephant known for his ability to precisely reproduce human speech [ [ Batyr (Elephant, The)] ] . Born on July 23, 1969, he lived his entire life in the Karaganda Zoo in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. He died in 1993 having never seen or heard another elephant. Batyr was the offspring of once-wild Indian Elephants (a subspecies of the Asian Elephant). Batyr's mother "Palm" and father "Dubas" [ [ The family tree of Batyr] ] had been presented to Kazakhstan's Almaty Zoo by Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Batyr, whose name was a Turkic word meaning "The Dashing Equestrian", "The Man of Courage" or "The Athlete", first made his surprising abilities known just before New Year's Day in the winter of 1977. Zoo employees were the first to notice his "speech", but he soon delighted zoo-goers at large by asking his attendants for water and regularly praising (or, infrequently chastising) himself. By 1979, his fame as the "Speaking Elephant" had spread in the wake of various mass-media stories about his abilities. (Many of these contained considerable fabrication and wild conjecture.) Batyr's case was also included in several books on animal behaviour, and in the proceedings of several scientific conferences. These developments drew a spate of zoo visitors, and brought the offer of an exchange—Batyr for a rare Bonobo—from the Czechoslovak Circus; the offer was rejected by the zoo's employees.

A. N. Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff, the doctor of sciences [ [ The Biografic information] ] who studied Batyr's abilities and wrote many publications about him, [ [ The Biography] ] said of the elephant:

«Batyr, on the level of natural blares, said the words (including a human slang) by manipulating a trunk. Having put the trunk in a mouth, pressing a tip of the trunk by the bottom of jaw and manipulating of tongue, said words. Besides, being in a corner of the cage (quite often at the nights) with the hanging down and weakened his trunk the elephant said words very silently — that sound is comparable with a sound of ultrasonic devices against mosquitoes or as peep of the mosquitoes, which human hearing well hears to approximately 40-year-old age. During pronouncing of words, only the tip of the trunk of the elephant has been clamped inside and Batyr made insignificant movements by a finger-shaped shoot on the trunk tip». []

Various audiovisual recordings were made during Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff's studies of Batyr;some of these have been transferred to Russia's Moscow State University for further study.

Lexicon of the elephant Batyr

Batyr said about 20 words in Russian and Kazakh languages, imitated sounds of animals and said short phrases (even said words of human slang) [The list of the Lexicon of the elephant Batyr has been made on the basis of audiovisual records, scientific researches and statistical data of interrogation of the eyewitnesses directly hearing the elephant. Individual and disputable sounds were not considered. All other words written in articles of mass-media — fiction and interpretation of retellings. For example, the phrase heard from Batyr with the request "water", people retold as: "the elephant asked to drink" and-or used approximate and similar statements, as has led to the abundance of conjectures in a press.fact|date=October 2008]

The full list of words and phrases which Batyr said:

* «Баты́р» — Batyr — abruptly (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Я» — I'm — very abruptly and to combination of his name, at a long pronunciation so «I'm-Batyr», sounded almost together;
* «Ба́ты́р» — Batyr — thoughtfully-tenderly and lingeringly (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Батыр, Батыр, Батыр…» — Batyr, Batyr, Batyr — joyfully running in a cage (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Воды́» — Water — ask (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Хоро́ший» — Good — as is good fellow (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Батыр хоро́ший» — Good Batyr — (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Ой-ё-ёй» — Oh-yo — (it is very sonorous — the trunk in the mouth);
* «Дурак» — The Fool — seldom and abruptly (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Плохой» — Bad — it is rare (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Батыр плохой» — Bad Batyr — it is rare (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Иди́» — Go — (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Иди (на) хуй» — Go onto penis "(on-similarity the American expression 'fuck you')" — the obscene Russian slang; first and unique time during telecast shooting (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Хуй» — The Russian slang of the penis — seldom and abruptly (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Ба́-ба» — the short of "babushka" — the grandmother; short children's sound "ba" (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Да́» — Yes — (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Дай» — Give (me) — (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Дай-дай-дай» — Give, give, give... — (the trunk in the mouth);
* «Раз-два-три» — One, two, three — dancing, being turned and hopping (the trunk in the mouth);
* A whistle of human;
* The words of human speech said at level of infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies;
* A gnash imitation of rubber or polyfoam (foam plastic) on glass;
* The peep of rats or mice;
* The bark of dogs;
* The natural blares of elephants.

From the press


"SOVIET ZOO HAS TALKING ELEPHANT written by Richard Beeston in Moscow, Batyr, a 10 year old indian elephant at the Karaganda Zoo in soviet kazakhstan, can say phrases like 'Batyr is good' and verbs like 'drink' and 'give', a Moscow newspaper reported yesterday. Its said that a recording of its voice was heard recently on the Kazakh state radio. & he just pushes his trunk into his mouth and starts talking' said the deputy director of the zoo, Mr Boris Kosinsky, he told a correspondent from the young communist league newspaper that it all began 3 years ago when a startled night watchman reported that he had heard the elephant talking to itself" — The Daily Telegraph newspaper, 9th April 1980.

Scientifically-practical actions mentioning the phenomenon

* Scientific conference - Agricultural Institute; Tselinograd, the USSR - Kazakhstan 1983-1989
* The International scientifically-practical conference to an anniversary of the Moscow Zoo; Russia 1984
* The International scientifically-practical conference to an anniversary of the Almaty Zoo; Kazakhstan 1987
* The International scientifically-practical conference; TallinnEstonia 1989
* The International zoological conference; Institute of Zoology — Academy of Science Ukraine 1989
* The International scientifically-practical conference to the 125 anniversary of the Leningrad Zoo; Saint Petersburg Russia 1990


* «The most truthful history or who are talking? An Elephant?!» A.Pogrebnoj-Alexandroff 1979-1993 ISBN 0972126600
* «Reincarnation-Перевоплощение» A.Pogrebnoj-Alexandroff 2001 ISBN 097212666x
* «Speaking animals» A.Dubrov 2001 ISBN 5879690865
* «Speaking birds and speaking animals» O.Silaeva, V.Ilyichev, A.Dubrov 2005 ISBN 5944290161


* Student documentary film: «Who speaks? The elephant…»; VGIKMoscow (USSR)
* Audio record of Batyr's voice by the scientist and writer Pogrebnoj-Alexandroff (1979-1983)

Cause of Death

Batyr died in 1993 when zookeepers acccidentally gave him an overdose of soporific drugs. [The scene in the nation and the world, "Philadelphia Inquirer", Sep 3, 1993] [Talking elephant silenced forever, "Washington Times", Sep 3, 1993]

ee also



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