June beetle — June June, n. [L. Junius: cf. F. Juin. So called either from Junius, the name of a Roman gens, or from Juno, the goddess.] The sixth month of the year, containing thirty days. [1913 Webster] And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
June beetle — or May beetle or June bug Any insect of the genus Phyllophaga, belonging to a widely distributed, plant feeding scarab beetle subfamily (Melolonthinae). These red brown beetles commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere on warm spring evenings… … Universalium
June beetle — noun any of various large usually brown North American leaf eating beetles common in late spring; the larvae feed on roots of grasses etc. • Syn: ↑June bug, ↑May bug, ↑May beetle • Hypernyms: ↑scarabaeid beetle, ↑scarabaeid, ↑scarabaean … Useful english dictionary
June beetle — May May, n. [F. Mai, L. Maius; so named in honor of the goddess Maia (Gr. Mai^a), daughter of Atlas and mother of Mercury by Jupiter.] 1. The fifth month of the year, containing thirty one days. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. The early part or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
june beetle — noun see june bug … New Collegiate Dictionary
Death Valley June beetle — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insec … Wikipedia
green June beetle — noun large greenish June beetle of southern United States • Syn: ↑figeater • Hypernyms: ↑June beetle, ↑June bug, ↑May bug, ↑May beetle * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized J … Useful english dictionary
Ten-lined June beetle — Taxobox | name = Ten lined June beetle image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Coleoptera familia = Scarabaeidae subfamilia = Melolonthinae genus = Polyphylla species = P. decemlineata binomial =… … Wikipedia
June — June, n. [L. Junius: cf. F. Juin. So called either from Junius, the name of a Roman gens, or from Juno, the goddess.] The sixth month of the year, containing thirty days. [1913 Webster] And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
June bug — June June, n. [L. Junius: cf. F. Juin. So called either from Junius, the name of a Roman gens, or from Juno, the goddess.] The sixth month of the year, containing thirty days. [1913 Webster] And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English